Chapter Fifteen

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  It's been a month since Karkat had been admitted to the hospital, and now he was out. He also got his wig in the mail, so he was excited about that as well.

  The haircut on the wig was similar to his old haircut, but it just didn't feel the same. You didn't expect it to, but still. It didn't curl in the way that you wanted it to, but after seeing how happy it made Karkat, you let it slide.

  Kanaya does Karkat's makeup sometimes. She just fills in the thinness on his eyebrows and nothing more. She never overdid it and it always comes out natural-looking. You notice how much more confident Karkat looks when he's decked out like that.

  You didn't forget about the kiss that Karkat gave you at the hospital, even if it was just a cheek kiss.

  Your crush on him that had practically faded away and wasn't something affecting your life on a daily basis, has now come back at you with full force. You can't say you hate it, though.

  You've been planning to actually ask him out. For real this time, too. You want to take him to dinner and stuff and then bring him back to his house like they do in his dumb movies.

  You have a trash can full of paper and an exhausted ache in your body. You'd been writing dumb letters to him all day and you hadn't come up with one you liked. They all seemed to cliche or too loose.

  The most recent one read:


  Okay, listen. This is going to sound really weird, but hear me out. I like you a lot, okay? Remember when I asked you to that dance when we were in sixth grade? Yeah, I've had a crush on you since even before then. I know that you're going to think its pitiful that I've liked you for so long, but I really want to date you and stuff.


  You decided to go over it again tomorrow. You were tired of rewriting letter after letter and you were dangerously close to just straight up telling him and gushing out all of your feelings.

  You don't know how you would even handle it. You aren't very good at things like that and you don't want to ask Bro this time.

  Maybe you could ask Rose. Rose was gay enough to help you out with your homosexual relationship problems.

  You pull your shirt off and throw it to the side. Texas had the worst spring weather. It felt like summer. It was normally 85 degrees outside at night and 90 to 95 degrees in the day. Sometimes it even hit 100. It's fucking insane.

  You don't pull the blanket on top of you before falling asleep.


  Karkat was on top of you. You didn't know what he was doing, but you didn't want him to stop. It felt good.

  He kissed you. He kissed you on the lips this time and he was passionate about it. He gripped your hair when you reached your mouth towards his neck.

  You were unsure of what to do, so you just went by what you'd heard and seen. You suckled gently. You didn't know how hard you should suck or how long. You just went for a short amount of time at each spot.

  Karkat let out a sound that sounded like whines mixed with purrs. He put his hands in your hair, pulling at the strands gently.

When he shifted his body over a little, he rubbed against something that made your entire body quiver. You knew what you had. You had an erection. A boner, if you will.

  Your stomach churned as you went back to his mouth again. He rubbed up against that spot again, but deliberately this time, like he was teasing you.

  You didn't have your shirt on, and neither did he. He had a thin body and warm skin. You nibbled a little at his collarbone experimentally. He shuddered and whined.

  Karkat moved again, but fully pulled off of you this time. He smirked and the amount of pure sex appeal that was painted on his face definitely drove you crazy.

  He kissed you all the way down you chest before suddenly stopping. It sounded like a phone was ringing, but neither of you had one.

  You blinked but when you opened your eyes, Karkat wasn't there. The alarm clock was blaring loudly at you to wake up. You'd forgotten to turn it off the night before.

  It was a wet dream. Karkat was never there in the first place. You were alone with you boner just out there. You slammed the snooze button down before settling back into your spot in bed.

  You nervously looked around before awkwardly shoving your hand down your pants.

  You'd never done this much before. Yeah, you've beat it a few times, every guy does, but you'd never done this after having a dream about your best friend.

  You kept on with it, though. You touched yourself reluctantly to get yourself off. Of course, you eventually gave up on the formality of being hesitant and quickened your pace.

  You remained as quiet as possible, making sure not to wake anybody else up. You didn't want anyone getting suspicious and walking in, either. You'd never hear the end of it.

  You quickly finished yourself off. Even though no one heard you, you still felt embarrassed that you'd heard yourself accidentally whisper Karkat's name. You grab a tissue from the box under your bed to clean up.

  Yes, you have a box of tissues under your bed. You're a teenage boy, what did you expect?

  You go to the bathroom to wash your hands and flush the tissues down the toilet. You dried your hands on a towel and contemplated getting in the shower.

  You chose to get in the shower and clean off. You had probably gotten gross and sweaty during the night, even without counting the events that just occurred.

  You turned the water on a cold setting, but not freezing, and showered. It felt better than a warm one since it was incredibly hot outside already.

  Okay, maybe this crush on Karkat is starting to hit you a little too hard. You need to make a move soon.

Dave had a wet dream about his gay crush. Surprise (not really).

I mean seriously. He's a 16 year old boy, did you not expect him to touch his willy? He's doing it.

He's super awkward about beating off (in A minor) bc of Bro and how his family is really open about most things so they hardly knock when they go in his room. Rose is legitimately the only one who knocks

Also things that his Bro has done. And does. Yeah... He stopped doing it at the house, but he still hasn't left that job

Anyways, things are starting to truly pick up speed which is really good!

But I must go write some more, so see you soon!


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