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The funeral for Karkat would be held on Saturday, August 2nd, 2015. You wore the red tie that Karkat liked and got flowers to put at--God damn it, it hurts to say it--his grave. You got chrysanthemums, his favorite.

You were tired and hurting on the day of the event. Karkat's family was crying and Karkat's closest friends, John, Jade, Rose, Nepeta, Sollux, Gamzee, Terezi, and Eridan were there, too. That had been the first time you'd seen some of them look sad or cry. You probably looked like shit. You had been crying your eyes out the night before.

You never thought you would be at your boyfriend's open casket. He looked so calm and peaceful, even though he couldn't be feeling anything. He wasn't there anymore. It was just his vessel.

You looked at him for a while. You gave his forehead a kiss, hating how cold he was. You hated that he didn't smile or giggle at it like he used to. He just sat there, still and quiet. It hurt, and you tried to hide your tears. You weren't able to. Rose gave your back a soft pat as she tried to comfort Kanaya as well.

Kanaya's makeup was running down her face. She let out small sobs and tried to hide them, but failed. You knew that if he could, Karkat would come up and tell her to stop crying for him. He told you that he didn't want people crying for him at his funeral a few years ago.

You felt like you were betraying him. You were crying. He told you not to, but you couldn't hold it in anymore. You tried so, so hard, but it just didn't work.

Cheyenne was bawling. She wasn't a loud crier, but her face was soaked. Elie made efforts to comfort her, but it was just making it worse. He wasn't crying, but he had a look of pure and utter loss and hurt on his face.

Kankri had to be held by his father like he was a young child. You don't blame him for it. He had just lost his baby brother after telling him that he didn't want to see him dead.

You don't know why this supposed God didn't save Karkat. The priest said that it was because 'He' saw how tired and pained Karkat was. Apparently, this God thought now was just a dandy fucking time to strike him down. You don't know if God was real, but if he was, you hated him. This supposed 'Father' killed the man that made your life happy, and you hate him for it.

When they asked you if you wanted to speak, you shook your head. You couldn't help but feel like you'd choke up on what to say. You didn't have a piece of paper to read from, and you didn't want to fuck anything up. You felt bad again. You avoided doing what you and Karkat had joked about back when your relationship first started. He told you that he wanted you to be honest when he died. He didn't want anything sugarcoated. You had told him that you would say that he was an atrocious bitch, but that you loved him because of it. You didn't do what you promised him you would do.

That's what made you ask for a piece of paper from Rose's purse and a pen. She gave them to you, confused, but you took the pen and wrote down what you wanted to say. This was for Karkat's eyes only, even if he couldn't open them.

Dearest Karkat, you started.

I love you. I can't begin to tell you the amount of ways you've improved my life. I do know that if I never met you, I would've been lonely my entire life. You were the one of the worst bitches I've ever known, but that's why I love you. I know that you know the old Greek story about soulmates. I know because your smart ass told me about it. But, it said that people used to be born with two sets of everything. Then, a moody as fuck God got angry at all of the people and split them all apart. So now people spend their whole life looking for their other half. Their soulmate. You were mine, and it took me a little while to realize it, but I'm so happy that I did.

Anyways, I'm not letting anyone see this. This is for you and you alone. I hope you're happy where you are now. You'd better be waiting for me when I get there. I love you.



You folded up the note and held it in your hand tightly, but made sure not to crinkle it. When it was time to bury him, you put the note into his casket with him. You put it under his hand so that he knew it was there.

They lowered his casket into the six foot hole carefully. They made sure that it was settled in properly before beginning to shovel dirt on top of it. You felt a little guilty. He had told you that he never wanted to be buried, but here we were, doing just that.

You didn't leave until the entire casket was under the dirt. You waited until it was just you, Cameron, and Kankri sitting there. You finally brought your flowers up to his tombstone and set them down in front of it. You read the scripture on the rock before you leaned back up.

Karkat Vantas,

June 12, 1997 - July 29, 2015

Too well loved to ever be forgotten.

The epitaph was carved onto smooth grey stone with a polished front. You knew that the quote was true. You could never, ever forget him.

You heard someone walk up behind you. You turned around to see Kankri. His eyes were puffy and red as he held out his hand to help you up. You smiled gently and took it. Cameron and Kankri led you back to the funeral home. You thought about Karkat for the umpteenth time as you walked back to the home. You silently thanked him for everything he did for you.

Karkat Vantas taught you what love truly was. He taught you what it felt like to have someone who made you feel like the sun was something they made for you in their toolshed.

Thank you, Karkat. Thank you.




Yes, this is the end of 'The Tree In The Forest'. I'm sad to see it go. I considered writing a sequel to it (or prequel) to it from Karkat's point of view, but I know that it would just jumble up and seem weird.

Also, the song is called "Can't Help Falling In Love" by Elvis Presley, cover by Keaton Henson. That's like THEIR SONG. All of the covers, the original, it doesn't matter, that's their song.

I'm so unbelievably grateful for all of the support this story has gotten. 500+ views guys!! That may not seem like much, but I really don't care how much it was, I just appreciate that someone took their time to read my story of all of the ones they could've read.

I have a special thank you for Literary_Fairy. You helped make this really fun to write. I can't thank you enough for all of the votes, reads, and comments you gave me. You can't believe how much that helps. Thank you so much!!

But, I'll see you soon in other stories.

Thank you once again for reading!!!!

With heartfelt gratitude,


(Ps, yes that one quote about the sun and the toolshed came from a poem called 'To This Day Project' by Shane Koyczan. It is a little modified, but I really like that quote. I really recommend listening to that poem. It is one of the most inspirational videos I've ever watched)

(Ps x2, The comic won't be happening. I'm sorry, but I just don't have the time (or skill lmao) for it. I still have drawings, though, so be looking for those)

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