Chapter Thirty-Five

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  You didn't know what you were going to do. That sounds selfish, but it's true. You were so prepared for him to be healthy that you didn't think about the possibility that he's not.

  "So, when are you starting treatment?" You asked as you held him close and stroked his hair. He liked to have his hair stroked and played with, so you did it for him.

  "Dave, I-I'm not getting treatment," Karkat said reluctantly.

  "Wait, what?" You asked. What did he mean by 'not getting treatment'?

"Getting any sort of treatment is useless, Dave. It's all the way in my organs now. It's Stage Four. My last round with it was only Stage Two. I'm sorry," Karkat whispered. You wanted to cry, but you forced yourself to keep the tears from falling.

"Karkat, please. If this is some sick joke, it's not funny," You pleaded. Karkat put his hand up to cup your cheek as he looked you straight in the eyes. You could see how hurt he looked and it make your heart twist a little more.

"It's not a joke. I promise. And I can't make my dad pay for chemo again. Dave, the shit was thousands of dollars, and for what? For me to just get cancer again?" Karkat said, his eyes beginning to water.

  "I-I'll help. We can pay for it. I'll start saving up from wo-" You were cut off by Karkat's hand coming up to cover your mouth.

  "No, Dave. I can't do that to you." He insisted. You pulled him into a tight hug. You held him there for a long time, not wanting to let go.

  "I love you. You know that, right?" Karkat murmured against your chest. You hitched your breath before replying.

  "Yeah, of course I do. I love you, too." You said, tightening your grip for emphasis. You didn't want to ever let him go. You swore that to yourself.


  It was Tuesday, June 23, 2015 when Karkat was admitted into the hospital for the first time in years. You sped to the hospital as fast as you could with a bus fare and your own two legs. You had to slow your pace in the hospital, but your mind kept going at hundreds of miles an hour. You went up to the desk, asking for his room number. You told them that you were his best friend. Room 105.

  You chose to run up the stairs instead of going on the elevator. It was quicker. There were less people and you didn't have to wait for anything. Your heart was racing as you sped up the steps. You got to the second floor in record time and slowed again once you were in the hallway. You were still walking fast as you walked towards where his room was.

  You finally got there. Room 105 was plastered onto a sign next to the door. You showed the nurse the slip of paper that the front desk lady gave you. You assumed that it was a new system they had instead of having to escort everyone. She let you into the room.

  It hurt when you saw Karkat. He was red in the face, his hair was being held back by clips so that his face could cool down, and he was hooked up to multiple machines. He wasn't asleep, but he didn't notice you walking in until the door snapped shut. He turned to look at you before smiling weakly.

  "Hey," He said quietly.

  "Hey, Kat," You replied, sitting in the chair next to his bed. You gripped his hand in yours, but his just sat limply, like he didn't have the strength put it in any other way. That made your heart give off another little prickle of pain.

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