Chapter Twenty-Nine

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  Being a senior isn't nearly as complicated as you thought'd be. Of course, your year is more stressful than Karkat's because he took AP classes and already got his needed credits. He has a free period and you do not.

  You have two favorite parts about being a senior. One, it's your last year of this Hell disguised as a school. Two, you can go wherever you want for lunch.

  You and Karkat steal rides from John and Vriska because they're your only friends with a car. Not the only ones that can drive, just the only ones with a car.

  This was one of the only years you got some snow. It was a cold, January morning when John started blowing up your phone about the snow outside. Fucking Washingtonians.

  Karkat wanted to stay inside most of the day. He wasn't much for snow, but he did go out a few times and watched you and John throw it at each other.

By now, though, the snow has all melted away. It stayed for about a day and a half, so that was good enough.

  Karkat's been a lot more tired recently, but he's fine. He takes his medicine, so he's perfectly alright. There's nothing to worry about. Other than a little fatigue, he isn't showing any symptoms. Even Cameron says not to worry, and he worries about Karkat more than you do. Not that you don't worry about him, because you do.

  Jake and Bro are hitting it off and you're pretty sure that Bro is thinking about how cool marrying the guy would be. If he did get married to Jake, you'd be glad for him. He deserves someone who makes him happy.

  Roxy still hasn't gotten with anyone, but that's okay. She's still a boss as fuck cousin.

  Rose and Kanaya are doing really well. Even though prom is about five months away, they're already planning to go together. You and Karkat are, too.

  The four of you already have a plan to pair up differently when you got there and just get back with whom we were originally getting with in the first place. Rose would walk in with Karkat and you'd walk in with Kanaya. It sounded like a good plan to you.

  Aunt Delilah wanted to come visit you and Rose. The two of you weren't really sure how to break it to her that being gay wasn't a phase and you two had partners that you loved. It wasn't that she said that it was a phase out loud, it's just obvious that that's what she thought.

  Regardless, Bro and Roxy still let her come over. She didn't know about Bro's boyfriend, either, but he wasn't the key point. I think she may have had an inkling, though, because she kept glancing and practically glaring at Bro.

"So, uh, Aunt Delilah, how's it going?" I tried to start bullshit conversation.

"It's been alright. I wished you all talked to me more. I'm sure that you're still open to people?" She said. There she goes.

"What do you mean by 'open to people'?" Rose asked, voicing your thoughts.

"You know, single." She clarified. Ugh.

"No, neither of us are," You said before Rose got a chance to.

"So, do you have a nice girlfriend, David?" Aunt Delilah questioned. Oh man, she's in for a big surprise.

"No, but I know a whole bunch of people who do," You said.

"Oh, don't worry, you'll find someone soon enough," She assured you.

"Oh, I've already found someone, just not a girlfriend. I have a boyfriend," You almost mumbled.

"David, I wish you would just stop choosing that-" She started, but you cut her off.

"I didn't choose it, Aunt Delilah. And besides, it's not like it's too different from a straight relationship. It's just two guys instead of one girl and one guy," You tell her. You're pretty sure that she still didn't grasp the concept.

"Aunt Delilah, I'm pretty sure you should just talk to Rose for a while, I'm gonna go talk to Dave," Bro butted in, gesturing towards the kitchen.

You went to the kitchen. You'd rather be in there than with the likes of Aunt Delilah.

"Dave, I get that she's thick-skulled, but you gotta remember that she's family. I don't like what she says, either. Just don't get too worked up about it," Bro told you once he walked in.

"Ugh, I know. I'm just so tired of the 'you chose this' shit and the fact that she assumes it's a phase," You said.

"And I get that, kid, but just try to be nice to her. We don't want her spreading bullshit," Bro gave you a touch pat on the back and sent you back to go talk to her.


  It's March when your aunt decides to spread bullshit. It's what she does. Needless to say, you don't plan to talk to her anytime soon.

  Pressure from your family to date a girl has gotten heavier, but Karkat told you that you'd be fine. You took his word for it. He was normally right about a lot of things.

  Cameron found out about you having Karkat's V-Card tucked under your belt, but he was surprisingly okay with it. Cameron was normally a very protective father, but at least he wasn't one of those overbearing dads.

  Roxy insisted that you and Rose introduce Kanaya and Karkat to the rest of the family. Neither of you wanted to, but it was a quick ordeal and you didn't get anything besides a few upset looks that's you couldn't care less about. You tucked Karkat right under your arm and looked them dead in the eyes as if to say 'Yeah, fuck you too'.

  Jesus Christ, you're turning into Karkat.


Short sucky chapter

Short chapters like these are part of the reason that I hate living lmao.

It's not even 1000 words ugh but soon things will be wrapping up.

Aunt Delilah is a massive fucking bitch and no one likes her.

Oh man can't wait to do this

Alright, bye!


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