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Okay, I've been tagged by greensweaterlover ! Check out her fan fiction! I'm finally getting to the tag now.
1. You have to post the rules.
2. You have to tag 13 people.
3. These 13 people have to answer 13 questions.
4. You must come up with the questions.
5. You can't skip tags.
6. Tag backs are aloud.
7. If you don't do the tag you must do a dare (Tell someone you really like that unicorns are real)
8. Be creative with the titles.
9. You must do a tag not a comment.
Also I'm doing this because I'm not running down the street screaming "I LOVE A SEXY GINGER!"
Let's go!
1. Have you met your idol?
No, I wish I could.
2. Favorite tv show?
3. If you could marry a fiction character who would it be and why?
It would be Frodo Baggins because damn son, I really like Frodo Baggins.
4. What is your worst fear?
Being forgotten in the void of time and space.
5. Who is (or was) your celebrity crush?
My first "celebrity" crush (that I can remember) was Double D (Edd) from Ed, Edd, n' Eddy.
6. Immortal or mortal?
Mortal, I don't want to see everyone I love die as I am left to live.
7. Favorite video/computer game?
8. Last body part you happened to hurt?
My hand when I tripped in the woods and landed on a thorn bush.
9. Color of your bedroom?
Dark purple.
10. Favorite male and female names?
Morgana and James
11. Do you like slippers if not why?
No, I don't like wearing any other type of shoe other than sneakers.
12. Ever fall asleep during school?
Yep. Read across America day where we read books all day. It was fun but I fell asleep in the corner of the classroom.
13. Which animal do you think is the sexiest? (What the hell J?)
Umm. Tigers?

The people I tag are
Your questions are:
1. Favorite band?
2. Pets?
3. Ever done something embarrassing in front of crush/boyfriend/girlfriend?
4. Apples or oranges?
5. OTP?
6. Fandoms?
7. Favorite youtuber?
8. First book read on Wattpad?
9. Favorite song(s)?
10. Favorite color?
11. Favorite anime?
12. Biggest fear?
13. Favorite Pokemon?

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