I'm Amazed

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I know. I'm a horrible person who doesn't update enough. But I swear this time around there will be weekly updates to this on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays/Sundays (depending on our winter percussion schedule). If I don't update feel free to spam me telling me to update. 

But the main reason I'm getting back to this is that I checked the "stats" part of my works for the first time. And I am genuinely amazed. People from so many different places read this. And to some people, this small corner of the internet I occupy may seem like nothing, but it's truly amazing. I was just a small town person with an idea, and here we are almost four years later with readers in Canada, the United Kingdom, the Philippines, and Australia. Thank you guys so much.

And prepare for more weirdness tomorrow!

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