A Night Out

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*Rose's POV*

I was reading my book when someone interrupted me by banging on my door. I sighed and opened the door to see Paul and the boys there with cheeky smiles.

"You didn't have to bang the door down." I told him.

He smirked.

He walked in with his bags and John, Richard and George walked in behind him.

"You boys do travel in packs don't you?" I laughed.

"Indeed we do madam." George said in a posh voice.

"Well, it's our first night in America lads! We've got to celebrate!" John said loudly.

"I'm thinking Lennon wants to go party in clubs." Richard scoffed.

"Indeed Richie! Learn to loosen up, let the alcohol take over." John winked.

I gave him a look. "You and you're alcohol." I mumbled.

"It's quite satisfying." he smirked.

"So who's staying with who?" Richard asked.

"I CALL ROSE!" George gave me a tight hug.

"Shut the fuck up George." said Paul. We all burst out laughing.

"Eppy always gets his own room. I get to share with Rose..." Paul started.

"I'll share with Rich." said George.

"And I get a room for myself so you boys don't interrupt me when I'm with the ladies." John said haughtily.

"Lennon you horny dog." Richard said.

Paul, George, and I erupted of laughter. Richard looked pleased with himself and John gave a light chuckle.

"Well I'm going to go unpack and get ready for tonight." John said. He walked out of our room.

"Well I suppose we should do the same eh Richard?" George asked him.

"Right. See you two lovebirds later." Richard winked.

I blushed and closed the door quietly behind them.

I looked around to see Paul was staring at me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Rose I know you don't like alcohol and smoke, so you really don't have to come if you don't want to." Paul said.

"And what? Leave a handsome boy alone surrounded by a bunch of American birds? I don't think so Paulie." I winked.

"You think I would actually be unfaithful?" Paul gasped, pretended to be offended.

"No, but you never know what alcohol can do to you." I said giving him a light kiss.

He smiled at that. "Okay."

We unpacked our bags and got ready for the night. I dressed in something casual. Paul wore something pretty casual too.

Before we knew it John was banging our door down.


I opened the door. "Jeez John you're worse than Paul."

"Shutup." he joked.

I gasped, pretending to be offended. "Shutup right back at you wanker!"

"Oh how'd you know?" John smirked.

I blushed really deep. "You're sick Lennon."

He laughed.

Paul came out of our room. "Lets go!" he said.

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