Chapter 3

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The Riches (Obikin AU)

Chapter Management

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Chapter 3


Obi and Anakin go shopping

So this is REALLY short but I felt like I had to update. I've been really busy so I haven't had the chance to write. I think I'll be able to update next week or later this weekend but if not i might not follow my update every two weeks thing. I have to work all spring break as I'm going to Hawaii during my aunt's spring break and missing a lot of school. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter and please leave me feedback in the comments! (or if you spot any errors)
Chapter Text

Driving in one of the riches' cars was pretty weird. People on the streets kept looking at us, especially in my neighbourhood, where the sight of a car that isn't falling apart is a rare occasion.

The store where we're getting school supplies is one that I'm not familiar with, must be one that the riches shop at.

Obi and I walk into the store to find chaos. There are children crying, children screaming, children everywhere. God, I hate children. All they do is take, take, take, take, take.

I've never been around this many children in all my life.

I look at Obi in panic, hoping he'll know what to do in this war zone of screaming fetuses. Obi notices my panicked expression and laughs at me.

"Well," he starts,"aren't you going to get your school supplies?" He ends his question with a sly grin.

He isn't going to help me? Wasn't that the whole point of him coming? I've never been to a store like this in all my life, I usually just get everything I need from the thrift store near my house.

"I' been to a store like this," I try to explain.

Obi looks at me in confusion.

"What do you mean you've never been to a store like this?"

"I usually get all my stuff from thrift stores," I explain further, "I don't really know how this works"

Obi laughs again, it's a sweet and pleasant sound, even though he's laughing at me.

"Why are you laughing?" I ask him while an unpleasant woman bumps into me.

"Well," he starts,"You're always complaining about how much you despise rich people and now I'm seeing you surrounded by them and you look completely panicked! It's like you're scared of them"

I slap his arm. Rich people do not scare me.

"Rich people don't scare me!" I protest,"I'll let you know my best friend is one of the richest people in the whole state! She's a very pleasant person...unlike you"

I was referring to Padmé, of course. She's been my best friend ever since I can remember. Her parents practically run the entire state, very powerful.

Obi scoffs.

"Whatever, let's just get your damn school supplies, Ani," He grimaces at the nickname.
Obi leads me down an aisle filled with notebooks and binders. He tells me to pick out four of each, I do so.

Next, we go down an aisle filled with pens and pencils, I quickly pick out what I need.

Obi and I continue picking out supplies, some for me, some for him. Once we're done I turn to him.

"I bet you can't beat me to cash register," I smirk at him.

I've always been pretty competitive. Obi smiles at me.

"Are you challenging me...what's your last name?" He asks.

"Skywalker," I tell him.

"Okay...Skywalker," he tests the name on his tongue, "I accept your challenge!"

We smile at each other and bolt down the aisles. For a rich, Obi is a pretty fast runner. While running, I nearly knock over about three suburban moms and ninety small children.

I reach the cash register a millisecond before Obi, almost knocking the next person in line in the process.

Obi turns to me, panting.

"Okay Skywalker, you're pretty damn fast," He tells me.

Wait...was that a complement? From Obi? I'm shocked.

We pay for our supplies and head back into the parking lot towards our car. Obi turns to me with a smirk and tosses me something. They're keys.

"You're driving," he says, not giving me a choice.

"Um, I don't know how to drive, I don't even have a learner's permit," I inform him, hoping to change his mind.

He just continues smirking.

"Oh, I know"


Driving a car is a lot harder than it seems. I try my best but my actions are jerky and rough. Obi looks like he's about throw up.

"Okay, this was a bad idea, we're switching," He says.

We hear sirens in the background. A cop car is right behind us, the police probably realized that I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing.

"Shit," Obi repeats, "Pull over,"

I do so to the best of my capabilities.

"Don't say anything, I'll take care of it,"

I nod to his request.

I can see the cop come out of his car. He's a middle-age man with salt and pepper hair and he looks pissed. When he gets closer I roll down the window.

"License and registration please," The cop says.

I start to panic. Obi speaks up.

"I'm sorry officer, I was just teaching my...son here how to drive. I'm sure you understand why everything was so...rough out on the road," Obi smiles.

The officer looks at Obi with a questioning look.

"He's your son?" the cop asks in a tone that suggests he already knows Obi isn't my father.

"Of course!" Obi replies as it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Okay, that's it," the cop starts, "I'm taking you two down to the station. You," he points to me,"for driving without a license and you," he points at Obi, "for stealing a vehicle!"

Obi gasps.

"This is my vehicle!!!" Obi looks offended.

The cop grunts and just like that Obi and I are being pulled into a cop car and being driven to the police station.

I know I said there wouldn't be any A/Ns but COMMENT AND VOTE (look at me being the annoying little shit on wattpad)

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