Chapter 5

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I haven't seen Obi since the fiasco with his car but I've hung out with Padmé every day since then. In fact, she's giving me a ride to school today.

Ah, the first day of school. What a joke. I usually hang around my friend Kitster at school since Padmé has a different classes and lunch hour than me.

I'm in the middle of packing my bang with my new school supplies when I hear a honk outside. I quickly pack up the rest of my things.

"Bye Mom!" I shout before walking out the door.

Padmé owns a pretty nice car. She ought to be careful in these kind of areas, she could get mugged.

"Hey," I greet as I slide into the passenger seat, "Your still my ride home right?"

Padmé smiles at me and nods.

The drive to school is pretty short, I could probably walk the distance, but I'd rather ride with Padmé. I watch the transition from worn down area go to suburban area as I usually do. Our school is located where the suburban area starts.

Even though we got here thirty minutes early, the parking lot is packed. There's the pack of popular girls, who all got spots at the front. There's the jocks who got their spots close to our football field, who is sometimes used for soccer because our school has a very low budget. There's the outcasts, who purposely chose all the spots in the back. Then there's us, the normal people, who fill out the rest of the spots.

We go to such a stereotypical high school it kills me.

My gaze lands on the group of jocks. I see Obi and damn does he look good. What is he doing with the jocks.

I recall the conversation I had on the phone with Padmé.

"Wait, you mean Ben Kenobi? As in the captain of the track and field team? Oh what a babe—"

So, he's the captain of the track and field team. I beat him when we were racing the other day at the art supplies store. I beat the captain of the track and field team and running?

I hear a door close. It's Padmé.

"Well, you don't want to be late for your first class of the year do you?" She says with a grin.

I laugh. She knows I cut class half the time.

I grab my bag from the backseat and start walking towards the school with her.

I hold my breath as we pass the group of Jocks. I hear Obi speak.

"Hey, guys, this is the guy I was telling you about!"

One of Obi's friends smirks, I recognize him as Nick the douchebag who taunted me all throughout elementary school.

"Who this guy?" Nick laughs, "He beat you in a race? Aren't you Anakin Skywalker? The same Anakin Skywalker who lives in a shack and has to mow lawns because his mom is a useless whore who can't provide for her only child? The same Anakin Skywalker who's daddy ran away because he hated—"

I don't let Nick finish. Before I know what I'm doing, my fist collides with Nick's jaw and I hear a sickening crunching noise. He falls to the hard gravel of the parking lot, banging his head in the process.

When he sits up there's a cut on his cheek and forehead. His blood stains the gravel.

"What the hell man?" Nick asks as he wipes blood off his face.

"Don't talk about my mother ever again you ass," I kick him in the side for good measure, he groans.

Before I leave I give Obi a death glare. He looks as though he can't process what just happened.

I grab Padmé's arm and we walk to class


It's first class of the day is chemistry and for once, I'm not late to class.

The chem teacher, Mrs. Everette, hands half the class a bowl of papers telling them to pick one. The paper will have the name of lab partners. I'm not one of the people who end up choosing a name, so I wait for someone to approach me. I hope it's someone I don't know, then I won't have to—

"Um, I guess we're lab partners?" I squeaky voice interrupts my thoughts. I turn around.

The voice belongs to Obi.

"Yeah, whatever," I respond, ignoring him to the best of my capabilities.

The seating plan hangs on the white board in the front of the class. We're in the back.

I take the seat on the left and Obi takes the seat on the right.

The class starts and Mrs. Everette drones on about something I don't care about.

About halfway through the class I feel a tap on my arm, it's Obi.

"Yes?" I whisper.

He looks at me like I'll tear him apart at any second.

"Um—um, ca—can I borrow a pencil?" he stutters.

I stare at him.

"I don't have any pencils, sorry."

He turns away from me and back to the lesson. Who gives a lesson on the first day of class anyways?

A couple minutes later I feel another tap on my arm.

"That's no—not what I wanted to say before," says Obi, turning to me again.

He stares at me like he's expecting me to say something.

"Okay?" I respond and turn away.

"Look," Obi starts, "I'm sorry about the whole Nick thing."

I raise an eyebrow.

"I didn't think he'd react that way," he continues.

"It's not like I expected you to," I respond.

He stares at me for a moment.

"You know if you keep staring at me people are gonna start to think—"

Obi cuts me off.

"What do you mean you didn't expect me to predict how Nick reacted?"

"You're a Rich, Obi. People like you are oblivious to how your actions are gonna affect other people."

Obi's face twisted into a terrible, hurt face and for a moment I felt bad. A moment. Then his face turned angry, very angry. He stood up from his chair.

"PEOPLE LIKE ME? I SWEAR—" Obi started yelling from the top of his lungs, but Mrs. Everette cut him off.

"Ben, please take a seat," she said firmly.

I smirked.

"Yes, Ben, why don't you take a seat?"

After that, I got up and left the classroom without any explanation, not caring what Obi, or the teacher would think.

I didn't go to any other classes that day.


So long time no see...

I tried to update this like 5 months ago but my wattpad wouldn't let me update cause I didn't verify my email but the email address I used got deleted and it was just a big mess. 

Idk if you guys want me to continue this so if you do please comment and vote to let me know!

Was I doing songs of the chapter for this? If I was the song is Pork and Beans by Weezer because it kind of works, I was listening to it while writing this and I just went to see them live!!! (It was very rad). 

Thank you for reading and I'll try to update soon if you guys want me to. 

The Riches (Obikin AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang