Chapter 6

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I don't know where to go after I leave school. My mom wouldn't have started work yet, so if I went home she'd know I cut class.

Sighing, I walk over to the outside of our school's soccer/football field and lean against the fence that separates the parking lot from the actual field. I close my eyes, hoping to calm down from the morning's irritable events. I can hear yelling coming from the field caused by whatever unlucky class has gym first period. The sounds of yelling and wind surprisingly soothe me.

"You know staying on school grounds while cutting class isn't exactly inconspicuous," says a feminine voice.

I open one eye to see who the voice belongs to, to be greeted by a very short girl with long vibrant blue hair.

I open the other eye and raise an eyebrow at her.

"And where do you suggest I go?" I ask her, smirking.

She smirks back at me.

"Well, I would tell you but it's a really sketchy place and you'd probably get lost or kidnapped or something," she says, keeping her smirk.

Man, I like her.

"Very well," I start. "You'll just have to show me then."

Her smirk expands into a smile as she hears those words. She grabs my hand and runs across the school parking lot to a sidewalk, dragging me along the way. Once we can't see the school, she lets go of my hand and slows down to a walking pace. This girl should really consider trying out for the track and field team. She would knock Obi's socks off.

I have to stop for a moment, wheezing.

After walking for a bit, the girl realizes I'm not walking with her. She stops and turns around but doesn't approach me. She starts laughing once she realizes I'm out of breath.

"Are you okay?" she asks between her giggles.

I stand up straight.

"I'm," I take a moment to breathe,"fine."

My struggle to say something without having to catch my breath makes her laugh more. Her laughter makes me laugh and soon we're both laughing to the point where we can hardly stand up.

Once we calm down the girl is able to start leading the way to where ever we're going.

"So," I start. "If you're gonna possibly lead me to a place where I could get kidnapped or killed—"

She cuts me off.

"I never said you'd get killed."

"Well, anyways, if you're taking me to a place where I could get kidnapped, not killed, I think I deserve to know your name."

She blushes.

"Well you could've just asked."

A long silence settles between us.

"So?" I ask.

"So what?" she looks at me confused.

"What's your name?"

"OH! Right I was supposed to answer that," her blush deepens. "It's Tana."

The silence returns and Tana seems to be heavily interested in the houses and alleys that surround the sidewalk.

"Don't you want to know mine?" I ask her, trying to break the silence.

She smiles at me. I've come to notice that her smirks and smiles are quite adorable.

"Believe it or not," she starts. "Not everything is about you, Anakin Skywalker."

My mouth drops open, shocked.

"How—how do you know my name?"

She shrugs.

"Don't sweat it, I know everyone's and what their relationship is to one another."

She pauses and looks at me. I close my mouth.

"I know you're best friends with Padmé Amidala and you've recently gotten into a relationship with Ben Kenobi, MVP of the track and field team."

"Obi—Ben and I aren't in a relationship." I say, hoping Tana doesn't realize I'm blushing.

She laughs.

"Chill out. I just meant that you guys met."

I blush more.

Tana sticks out her arm out in front of me and smiles.

"We're here!" she squeals.

I look around. There's nothing here but a dark alleyway and a bunch of trees.

Tana grabs my hand again and drags me down the dark alleyway.

"Are—are you sure we're here?" I stutter.

"What? You scared, Skywalker?"

I stop for a moment, causing Tana to be pulled back.

The use of my last name reminds me of when Obi used it when we were racing. Obi—Oh god. I said all those means things to him. He didn't deserve that, it isn't his fault his teammates are assholes.

Tana looks concerned.

"You okay, Skywalker?"

"Yea—yea I'm fine."

Once those words leave my mouth Tana continues to drag me down the very sketchy looking alleyway. She stops very suddenly in front of a door that you wouldn't realize was there unless you looked at it long enough.

"Here we are!" she squeals, opens the door and pulls me in.


"What is this place?" I ask Tana.

"Well the guy who owned the vinyl store started going out of business so the guy who owned the comic store bought out the vinyl guy and now they're one store!" Tana squealed before running towards a stack of classic X-men comics.

The mood of the store was very chill. There was an old Hall and Oates album playing quietly from the checkout desk and the lights gave out a slightly yellow light, making the store look older than it actually was.

Tana and I were the only customers in the store.

While Tana was looking at comics, I decided to look at some of the vinyls, not that I was going to buy any. I didn't bring any money with me and my money usually went towards groceries or rent anyways.

While I was in the rock section looking at albums like The Black and White Album and The Resistance, Tana comes up to me holding out an anniversary addition of X-men and says something about buying it before she runs up to the cashier, the only person working in this place.

I wait for Tana by the door while she buys the comic. She seems to know the cashier by the way she's interacting with him excitedly. He looks bored, like he's used to this.

Once he hands her the bad with her comic in it, she mummers a quick thanks before running up to me, grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door.


Hey I updated!!! WOW! I'm in a big book hangover after reading The Lunar Chronicles and I decided to write instead of trying to read (yay?). Song of the chapter is (If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To by Weezer (two Weezer songs in a row whoops) because I like the feel of it and it's stuck in my head. Vote and Comment if you want me to update faster (it motivates me okay) and also comment if you have any ideas of where this story should go (I might take some into consideration). Also can any of you guys guess who Tana is (I wanted to make it kinda inconspicuous). It probably didn't work lol. Anyways, thanks for reading and I'll update soon (hopefully).   

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