Chapter 4

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The police man puts me and Obi in a jail cell. The police seem to be having a good day by the number of teenage delinquents in this jail cell. There's a chick with pink hair and a bunch of piercings that kinda scares me, another boy our age who looks pretty normal, a scene kid who looks like he's most likely high and a blonde girl who looks pretty nice.

You know, this whole situation wouldn't be that bad if it weren't for Obi's complaining.

"I can't believe you got us into this mess!"

Apparently I'm to blame for all of this.

I end up drowning out Obi's complaining until a cop comes and tells us we each have one phone call.

Obi's face goes white.

"I—I can't call my grandma she's gonna kill me," Obi says.

"I don't think you have a choice," I say while leaving the cell to take my phone call.

The police man gives me a quarter and directs me to the payphone. I check the time. 12:07PM. My mom's working so I can't call her, plus it's probably better she doesn't find out about this.

After some procrastination I call Padmé, she's pretty much my only friend.

"Hello?" She answers after the first ring.

"Hi Padmé," I answer as confident as possible.

"Ani? Is that you?"

"Yeah, look, I kinda got myself into some trouble," I answer.

"What kind of trouble," I can hear the stern look on her face, she's practically a second mom.

"Well, you know Mrs. Kenobi? The lady I mow lawns for?"

"Oh god Anakin, did you sleep with her?"

"Padmé, I did not sleep with Mrs. Kenobi!"

Obi hears what I said from the jail cell and gives me a weird look.

"Well I was hanging out with her grandson, Obi—" Padmé interrupts me.

"Wait, you mean Ben Kenobi? As in the captain of the track and field team? Oh what a babe—"

I interrupt her this time.

"Yes, Ben Kenobi, now can I get on with my story?"

"Oh Ani! You guys would make such a cute couple! Oh my god—"


"Fine, fine continue," Padmé sighs.

"Okay, well, he wanted to teach me how to drive and a cop caught us, can you come bail me out?"

"I'll be there asap!"

I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thanks Padmé. I owe you big time. Love you—"

She hangs up.

The same cop comes over and directs me back to the cell. Obi still looks nervous but ends up calling his grandma anyways.


Padmé comes before Mrs. Kenobi. I may be very gay but Padmé's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

After she talks to the receptionist for a few minutes they let her come behind the desk to the jail cell.

"Skywalker, your sister's here for you," The police leading her back says.

I laugh a bit. Of course Padmé would pretend to be my sister.

The second they let me out of the jail cell I run up to Padmé, hug her and kiss her on the cheek.

"Thank you," I whisper in her ear, she laughs.

She looks behind my should and her eyes land on Obi.

"Hi Obi," she greets.

Obi gives her a death glare.

"Do I know you?"

I see a flash of hurt run across Padmé's face but she covers it up quickly. I grab her hand.
"Come on Padmé, let's get out of here," I lead her to the door.

I look at Obi before I exit the police station, he looks hurt. I don't care, he hurt Padmé.

My writing gets cheesier every part and my chapters get shorter every part

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