Chapter 17: Dead Or Alive

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(Not edited: p.s. grammatical errors)

Jason McCann

I groaned as I laid my head on my table. This shitty work is getting boring. Where's Kelly anyway? She should be here a half an hour ago? And speaking of her I don't know but I think she's trying to ignore me again these past few days.

Sometimes I really don't understand her. Is it because of the kiss, again? I mean she is the one who kissed me first so---

I heard the door suddenly opened interrupting my thoughts. I quickly sat up and groaned mentally when I saw the person who walked in.

Guess what, its my mother (fake mum).

"Hey mother?"

"Justin sweetie how are you?" She asked and then sitting down on one of my sofas.

That's strange.

"I'm fine mom. Can I ask why are you here? You could've call me or something telling me that you're coming."

I'm pretty sure she wants to talk about the wedding again.

"I'm sorry son. I'm here because I just want to remind you about your upcoming wedding. One more week."

Yep I was right.

I scoffed "Mom I don't wanna talk about this shit."

"Watch your language young man!" I rolled my eyes in response "I want you and Sarah to talk about it. You two better look for the venue of your wedding already. Oh and I invited a lot of our friends too."

"Mom can we just slow it down? I told you I'm not ready!"

"Its already settled Justin! I just can't say no to our 150 guest."

"150!?" I screamed "Mom are you crazy!? That's a lot! What kind of wedding is this!? Some shitty celeb---"

"JUSTIN DREW BIEBER! I said watch your language when you're talking to me! I already told you the wedding will happen! It is decided that Sarah will be your wife to be so no more! If you don't want to start getting ready I'll be the one going to plan this occasion! I'll be the one picking for the venue, dresses, etc. etc. etc. Got that!?"

"Whatever." I mumbled and then standing up.

"Justin we are not yet done talking! You won't leave your office---"

"I don't care what you say anymore mom! Just do what you want. Go plan that thing but you won't see me showing in that stupid wedding." I said before leaving my office.

Ugh I hate her!


I stepped out of my car and went in front of the entrance. The two guards said their greetings.

"Have you seen Kelly?"

"Yes sir Ms. Kelly arrived just a few hour ago." The one replied.

"Oh. Do you know where I can find her---"


I turned around and did a straight face "Ryan." I said in a low tone.

"Are you looking for Kelly?"

No I'm looking for my pet giraffe! Isn't obvious? Goddamn.

I cleared my throat "Yeah."

"Oh she's just upstairs inside her room."

I gave him a nod "Thanks." I said before entering the house.

I went upstairs to where her room is located. When I was already in front of her door I did not bother to knock and just opened it.

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