Chapter twenty-three

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"Mikashi, time for breakfast"

Mikashi sat up nodding and went to her room. After getting dressed she walked into the dining room to find Choji there.

"Morning, mi" he said softly, wrapping his arm around her giving her a kiss on cheek.

"Morning, Cho" she replied with s yawn rubbing her eye. She sat across her father in between the two boys.

"You have your first mission today, right?"


"What do you think it'll be?"

"Well we are just fresh out of the academy genin so it'll be a simple task like walking dogs or babysitting. "

"That's my boy"

Mikashi, Shikamaru and Choji finished breakfast and made their way to training ground 10. At the training ground Ino and Asuma were already there.

"You're late" Ino screamed.

"Don't yell. And no we're not. You just got here early. "

"Okay enough. Your mission is to babysit quadruplets for the day."

Shikamaru and Choji sighed handing Mikashi 5 bucks each. Mikashi smiled as she continued to suck on her lollipop. Ino sweat dropped and team ten made their way to the house they were babysitting at.

The door was opened by a women who seemed to be in her mid-thirties. She wore dark blue jeans and a simple black shirt. Not to fact but just right for a movie or something.

"Please come in. You must be genin squad 10. Thank you so much. "

"It's not a problem. It's the perfect first mission. Introduce yourselves."

"I'm Ino!"
"My name's Choji"
"I am Shikamaru and this is Mikashi."

"It's nice to meet you. The kids are in the play room 1st door on the left. Go right in. They need lunch at 11 and nap time is 2. There's a park behind us and we'll be home by 5. Thank you again so much. "

With that the team walked into the play room to find 4 3 year olds playing. The small children looked up and stared with their big wondering eyes. In unison they stood up and walked over to the group.

"Where's mommy?"

"You're mother had to leave for important business"
The little ones looked at Asuma and he started to get a little nervous.

"Why are they looking at me like that" Mikashi whispered in shikamaru's ear. He sigh saying that the mission was going to be a drag.

"Asuma they're three. They don't understand. Watch Mikashi. "
Mikashi glared at her brother slightly and crouched down to. Be face level with the toddlers.

"Mommy had to go help with a really big thing." The toddlers oh's and looked around.

"Will you play with us , onee-chan?"

"Yeah play with us ,onee-chan!"

"Hai,hai" Mikashi's voice suddenly became dark." I'm gonna get you. 1. 2. 3!"

"Mikashi!" Ino screamed as the children squealed run off. Shadow tentacles appeared behind Mikashi as she chased the the kids. There was silence for a second then loud squeals. The rest of the squad bolted to the noise to find the kids on the floor laughing as the shadow tentacles tickled them. Mikashi sat in the middle of them chanting 'the tickle monsters coming for ya'

Mikashi looked over her shoulder at her team mates. The giggles stop and the kids walked up to her, pulling on her sleeves.

"We wanna go to the park." They wined.

Mikashi nodded.
"We need to eat first. What do you want for lunch?" Ino asked.

"Pork ruman!" The genin looked at Asuma with pleading eyes. He shook his head.

"Hey Mikashi, didn't you make homemade pork ruman for my birthday once?"

Mikashi turned pink and nodded looking down. They walked to the kitchen and Mikashi found an apron.

"We wanna help!" She nodded and found little aprons. The others help put the aprons on and watched the kids closely.

"Thank you for the food." The ninja smiled as the children ate.

"I didn't know you such a great cook Mika-chan"

"It's nothing. Just a promise I made years ago"

After lunch each genin took a child's hand. At the park one of the children slipped and began to fall. But is teas of hitting the ground they bounced.

"Bungee shadow" Mikashi sat in the open and stretched out her shadow. The others formed a circle around them so Mikashi could use their shadows too.


"Hai, onii. Let's go home."

"Hai" the children quieted down for a few minutes but so became fussy about nap time.

"Now, now. If you don't go to bed you won't be big and sting" Ino tried.

"WE WANNA PLAY !" They wailed.

"Yura, yura, yurameku
nami no ma ni
yasashiku, yasashiku
tadayotte umi he iku

yura, yura, yurameku
nami mo ma ni
yume wo, yume wo, miteru ko
me wo yasunde
kurage ga oyogu

"Yura, yura, yurameku
nami no ma ni"

The music stopped and the toddlers were fast asleep. Shikamaru and Choji walked up to Mikashi who was sitting on one of the beds and smiled. They wrapped their arms around her as she placed her hard on Choji's shoulder falling asleep herself.
Choji varied her to the living room and placed her on the couch.

"She can sing. I didn't know she was hiding that much talent along with cooking."

"She can do a lot of things, Ino. Sometimes it's hard to remember that she's 2 two years younger then us too"

The door opened and the women walked in.
"Where are the children?"

"They're still fast asleep"

"Oh. Thank you and I hope they weren't any trouble"

"No. Not at all. If anything it should be Mikashi you thank. She pretty much took care of them on her own. Cooked and sang."

"Well I'm sure she'll be a great mom and an excellent wife."

"Yeah she will be great!" Choji said smiling at the sleeping child.

Even if it is just a promise. He thought.

The squad left and made there way home. Shikamaru didn't bother taking his shoes off before heading to his room and placing Mikashi on the bed. He smiled and left to go shower.

When he came back Mikashi was sitting up staring out the window. Seconds later she got up and started leaving the room.

"Where are you going?" Just then their father walked in.

"Mikashi, there's something the Hokage wants you for" with that he left.

"Ne Shikamaru, tell mom not to wait for me. I'll have supper on the way home"

"Okay. Be safe, Mikashi"
Shikamaru wanted to reach out to her and embrace her but he knew it wasn't a good idea. Mikashi grabbed her bag and left.

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