Chapter 1

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I folded my arms on my desk and laid my head on them, daydreaming and staring at nothing in particular. I knew I had a long face on, and I didn't care. I was bored out of my mind, and feeling a bit miserable. My classmates were just talking and playing games with each other or on their phones. My two best friends, Solstice and Ravenna (I call them Sol and Raven) were sitting on my right, scrolling through pictures on Solstice's phone. We were supposed to be learning French but the teacher gave us a free period. It was the last day of school before spring break started, after all.

I tore my mind out of Dreamland and swept my gaze toward my crush, Jett Anderson. Of course, he was one of the 'popular' kids. He always seemed to be hanging around with them every day at school. It's a rare occurrence when he actually comes and talks to me. That's why I think he might slightly have feelings for me. I don't really know, but why would he take the time to come watch me while I draw, or talk to me when he could be doing something else? I don't honestly know why I have a crush on him myself. It always happens when there's a new kid. And then they just end up with someone else, just like I figure what's going to happen with Jett. Sometimes I wish love didn't exist at all, but then I take the wish back. Without love, the world would be cruel and evil and dark. I don't even want to think about it. But why does love have to be so complicated? Why did it have to break my heart multiple times? It isn't and never will be a feeling I can truly get over, being heartbroken.

I sighed, shaking my head. What was I getting myself into? I should just give up on having any sort of crush, I thought, I'm just going to end up getting more and more hurt. I got up, forcing myself to dismiss my thoughts. I realized I had just started daydreaming again because I was so bored. I made up my mind that I had to do something. I have ADHD, which stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Anyone who has this basically sucks at paying attention, and is distracted and hyper most of the time. This makes being bored one of the worst punishments life has inflicted on me at times. I just can't stand it. I have to be moving, or doing something most, or if not, all the time. Even if I'm just thinking about something, you'll find me tapping a foot or my fingers, or rapidly swinging my legs.

I looked over at Jett and his friends again. They were just talking with each other and having fun. I wanted to go over there, and I knew they wouldn't have a problem with it, because I'm mostly invisible to them and I don't say much at first. I have such a great lack of presence, it's kind of crazy. And when I get a lot of attention all at once, I feel my ears and face turn red, and my head just goes blank. It frustrates me and pleases me at the same time.

"Gemma, you're daydreaming again." I jumped when Sol spoke suddenly while waving her hand in front of my eyes.

"Oh." I chuckled sheepishly, glancing around to see if anyone other than Sol and Raven noticed. No one else did, thank goodness. I'm really self-concious and I get embarrassed easily. I'm constantly making sure that I don't look or am acting ridiculous when I go out somewhere or when I'm walking around school, but I still try to be myself with my friends.

"Is class over already?" I asked, seeing that everyone was packing up their things.

Raven started laughing, "Yeah, the bell just rang, didn't it snap you out of your daydreaming?"

I smiled, "I'm going to have to try and get this under control."

"You bet you do." Sol replied, nudging me with her elbow. I nudged her back and picked up my things.

We walked out of class into a slightly crowded hallway and headed for our lockers. I could see Jett and his friend, *Isla, walking together. Those two always seemed to be together. They hang out so much, I had begun to wonder when they would start dating, or if they even liked each other in a 'more-than-friends' way. I honestly really liked Isla (as a friend, of course). She was so nice and friendly, and I always felt comfortable and not like I was annoying (like I usually feel around other people) whenever I hung out with her. I wanted to walk with them, and I did take a few steps toward them, but I stopped when Sol and Raven called me back.

"Gemma! Where are you going? Wait for us!" Called Sol as she and Raven took out and placed things back in their lockers. I huffed and headed back, bummed that I wouldn't be able to see Jett one last time before the spring break.

I wished I could be Isla for at least a day. It must be nice to be known to most of the people in the school, to always be invited to parties, and know all the gossip. It especially must be nice to hang out with Jett all day.


NoTe To ReAdErS:

*The 's' in 'Isla' is silent, and the 'I' is pronounced like you would in the word 'I'm'

Thanks for reading the first chapter of my story! Please vote if you liked it, and comment any suggestions because I would LOVE to hear them! And follow me if you want to be notified of when I upload the next chapter please c: thanks so much, my lovelies <3

Also, I just uploaded a pic of what Gemma could look like just so you can get an idea if what to imagine her like c: yes, I did draw and color it, but I copied from the picture in the corner of the drawing.

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