Chapter 2

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I sat down beside my backpack and opened my book, The House of Hades by Rick Riordan. I was still waiting for one of my parents to come pick me up from school. After a few minutes of reading, my phone started ringing. I checked who was calling and then dismissed the call after finding out it was my dad. I picked up my things and started heading towards the gate. You see, whenever my mom or dad come to pick me up after school, they give me a call to let me know they're outside the gate, so I dismiss the call, and go outside.

I shove my stuff into the backseat of my dad's car and climb in myself. I don't know why I always sit in the backseat. I guess I'm just used to sitting there, so I don't bother sitting in the passenger seat, even if it's empty. As we're on our way back home, I look out the window and instantly get lost in my thoughts. Immediately, my mind recalls Jett sitting in class and having fun with all his friends, Jett and Isla walking down the hallway together, Jett doing this, and Jett doing that.

Then I realize, didn't I make my mind up to not think much about Jett and my crush on him? But I can't help it when my mind is free and the only thing it wants to think about is Jett.

This is when it happened. It was so weird, and it's hard to explain. I was just sitting there, looking out the window, one hand cupping my chin and trying to stop thinking about Jett when I noticed something in the rear view mirror. And keep in mind this was out of the corner of my eye, so I was still looking out the window, and this all happened in what seemed like a split second, anyway. It was my reflection. I know, I know, it doesn't sound all that exciting or weird or scary, but there I was in the mirror, leaned in towards the window with one hand cupping my chin. But my eyes. My deep, dark, chocolate brown eyes were not looking out the window. They seemed to be staring thoughtfully at me. It was my reflection...was a whole different person, staring at me curiously and longingly.

I instantly darted my eyes to the rear view mirror, thinking it was all an illusion. And sure enough, there was my reflection, doing everything I was doing at the same time I was doing it. I frowned, not sure of whether what I saw was just a trick my mind was playing on me or not. I decided it was just a trick of the light, and turned my attention back to the window.

But no matter how hard I tried to ignore it, a thought in the back of my mind kept nagging at me and repeating, it was real, you know it was. That wasn't truly you in the mirror, it wasn't you at all. It was real!

And that's how it was the rest of the way back home. I just had a feeling that there's more to a mirror than just what I could see. I mean, I see me in the mirror...but is it really me? It was so mysterious and strange, and I couldn't just forget about it. I decided that when I got home, no matter how silly it was, looked, or sounded, I was going to look deeper into a mirror. And I don't mean physically break apart a mirror and look deeper inside to see what it's made of, I meant something else. I was going to investigate the mysteries in the mirrors.


NoTe To ReAdErS:

Hey people c: I hope you liked this chapter :D I had fun writing this one because I could reference the title in the end and all XD you want to know when I'm going to upload my next chapter?... THEN FOLLOW ME.

Lol jk you don't have to, but I would be flattered if you did tehe c: I'm so cheeky. Also, vote if you really like my story so far, and please don't forget to comment suggestions because I really want to know what you think! Woop, I gtg to sleep now cuz it's 1:38 am haha o.o g'night my gems 💎

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