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It all started in 1st grade, in my elementary school in Philadelphia. There was this girl, who we will call N, who was in all my classes up until the last day of 3rd grade. She knew that I was afraid of the school's bathrooms, and our teachers ALWAYS made one person go to the bathroom with another. When N went to the bathroom, she always chose me to go with her. And instead of actually using the bathroom, she would turn off the lights and FORCED me to do that Bloody Mary thing with her, and she knew that I was terrified of it.There were these other two girls in my 3rd grade class as well. The teacher gave the whole class lollipops, and said we could eat them in class. I opened mine, only to find it fall onto my pants. The girls thought that it landed on the floor, and from that day on, they kept saying things like "pig" and "ew" to me. They even exposed me in the bathroom.Now, let's move onto my 3 friends, Maggie, Heather, and Caleb. Maggie is bisexual, you see. She's always made fun of for it. Nobody understands her the way Heather and I do.Heather.. you would call her fat if you saw her. I say big. And guess what? The same jerks bullying Maggie are bullying Heather!!!Now, Caleb. He is a special needs child who is on my bus. There's this kid, Zach, who is picking on little Caleb. Being the person I am, not only did I decide to stand up for him, but I took it, not one, but TWO steps further. Step One: I told the bus driver.Step Two: See, I'm a student ambassador, I have multiple relationships with staff. A week ago, February 26, teachers from the Netherlands came to our school. When I told one of them about what was going on, he made me say it to EVERYONE, including the principal and assistant principal.
Now, this whole bullying ordeal in general made me create the organization of me create the organization of #Friendsagainstbullies.

this story point view is NicoleKey109. this is also deiced to her.

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