Joyce's story

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 It started in sixth grade, when a girl started picking on Joyce. she don't really know why, because they were in band together and they were also in all of the same classes, but it started getting worse throughout seventh grade, when the bully would start to harass her. She almost broke her arm one time, but really the bully broke her on the inside. People started to call Joyce a slut, because she started to wear a bit fancier clothes to fit in with everybody else. But then sometime tragic happened that made her fall into depression- Joyce said "one of my close friends had taken her life. She wasn't my best friend, but all of a sudden I felt like a lost a piece of me, and I couldn't help but wonder that it was my fault. She seemed to give me small hints, but I never understood them until it was too late." After her friend death she was a complete mess, she didn't go to school for two weeks. When Joyce returned to school, everyone seemed really sweet to her, but that feeling later turned to hatred, when a rumor started on Facebook that "I was really the cause of her death." People started to call her a "whore", "attention-seeker", and other things like stupid, and that "I had no soul". To others it didn't really seem so harsh, but to her it really broke inside. she started to get lower grades on tests and dropped out of some of my extracurricular activities, and the harsh words and abuse just kept coming and coming. she just kept to herself, and what actually helped her was watching YouTube videos and writing out my feelings. One day, the same girl that started it moved away, and every thing kind of started to fade away, the strings of harassment and abuse, until there were only a handful of kids still bullying me. But a teacher caught them one day,  a substitute, and the teacher made them apologize in front of the class, Joyce said "which was actually pretty funny. But they stopped, and everything was pretty back to normal again, only that a piece of me was still always broken. But it started to get better, even though it still haunts me today."

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