Brandee's story

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It all started in 2nd grade, when Brandee's friend betrayed her and people started being mean to Brandee. They called her names like "cow," whale," "ugly," and they also said that she couldn't even keep a friend because that she is too fat. They even had a mean song about her. Then her brother started to abuse her and she became depressed. By 6th grade Brandee said "I couldn't even think of a future for myself. I tried to tell one of my friends, by they just laughed at me and called me "emo". I was hurt, but there was one friend that I would stay alive for. well, that was until she killed herself. that made all the sadness come out in one action. I drank carpet cleaner in hopes that I would die. Sadly, I woke up in a hospital. they wouldn't let me die, would they. I went home and I am still facing the music to what I did."

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