Avie's story

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                Avie always been bullied because of her fandom. One direction: they always say that One Direction is gay, insult Harry, say bad things about Liam because she had a soft spot for him. Avril lavigne: they've always called her a B word. When someone insults Avril, that's like pressing the red button for her. She get super angry, so She need at least 5 people to stop me from killing them. They say "I have a crappy taste in music", "I'm stupid"( although she get the highest marks in class) "a cow", as you already know and some other stuff.

              Avie was bullied for 8 years because she is over weight. Avie called cow by her classmates, even the the two people who say their her "best friends". Usually, Avie can handle. Every single word given to Avie by everyone, except from one person. that one person is supposed to be my best friend. Last time that person told me Avie was fat, I starved herself. And it's been 4 days ever since. Then my true best friend, a different person, started telling me not to care and how to reduce my weight. actually the other person's is it sibling.  Today she was forced to eat a piece of chocolate because Avie was shaking. the person, gets bullied because the person has so much hair so they call the person mustache. she protect the person and swear at them. So the person chooses to bully her. the person got in trouble once so Avie  took all the blame even though she had nothing to do with it, and she almost got sent to another country for doing that. that person said "thank you"? Humiliating Avie  even though she over protect that person. Avie said "I just can't imagine myself telling that to someone."

           Avie has been bullied for self Harming. She tried to kill myself twice, because as well as bulling, She get hit  by her parents; so you can say my life is crap. First time Avie tried to kill herself, I wrote letters to her bullies. Avie told them that I've never hated them even though they treated me like an unwanted intruder between them. Avie told them to feel guilty because it was mostly their fault. School was my escape from home, but they ruined it. Most important, I told them never to bully someone again. Then everything had to be ruined. When she was about to slit my wrists, her mom walked In the room. her mom never noticed. So Avie said "told myself that that was a sign from god that everything would get better soon." but It didn't. The difference between her and the bullies is that, she make people laugh so they won't see my sorrow, her fake smile, her heartache. They make Avie cry. for 6 months, I cried herself to sleep. she still do that sometimes. Avie said "But I'm happy it happened to me, not someone else, because I never want to see someone through that."

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