Chapter One

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               O n e | Sabrina's POV

The wind whipped through my hair and stung my eyes, but I welcomed the feeling.
The horse beneath me was called Tempest, a name that I myself had come up with for her. She belongs to Brookside Equestrian, but I'd like to call her my own. I love her so much. She is everything to me. I pat her neck.

Tempest slows reluctantly as we come to the end of the track. She tosses her head, not ready for the ride to be over.

"Shouldn't you be tired already?" I giggle, stroking her withers. "Even I am." I admit, smiling at her. I nudge her sides and we break into a smooth trot back to the stable.
It's a quarter mile from the track, but we have made a trail through a field to make it shorter. Soon, Brookside Equestrian comes into view and I frown. How is this ride already over? I feel like it just started.
Tempest pulls on the reins, begging for a good gallop before quitting time. I hold her back, considering sweat is already lathered all over her shiny black pelt.

After letting her cool down, I turn on the hose, letting cool water spray a light mist over the ground. After I make sure it's the right temperature I get to work.
Tempest folds her ears backwards, clearly not enjoying our little shower session.
She has never liked them, and probably never will. I laugh at her as she steps back, only to be halted by the lead rope tethered to her blue halter and the metal post, firmly.

Brookside Equestrian was a nice, elegant stable with expensive qualities. I admit, you must have quite the wad of cash to attend here. I get a discount though, which is the only way I can afford it. The reason I get the discount is because I exercise and train multiple horses here daily. Not to mention I muck out stalls, clean tack, and feed the horses I'm assigned to. It's my pleasure, and I never complain. Brookside was established only a year and a half ago, so it's still technically new. Not really heard of yet, if you know what I mean. I worry that as time goes on, more and more people will join, and eventually I won't be needed to care and exercise them. You know what that means? No discount. And no discount means too much money. And too much money means my parents will make me drop out.

Speaking of new people, we're getting three today. And two of them are bringing new horses with them. Three girls, I heard. The owner of the stable wants me to show them around. Sighs.

As I finish feeding and grooming the ten horses that Brookside Equestrian owns, I hear tires on gravel. With my stomach in knots, I walk out to greet them.

"Hi, I'm Sabrina. I'll be showing you around here." I say, forcing a cheery tone as a platinum blonde with long skinny legs floats out of the perfectly waxed car.

"No need. I can show myself around."
She snaps, flicking her ringlets over her shoulder.

"But I was told to-"
I start, but I'm cut off by her squeaky voice again.

"I said, no need. And by the way, I'm Victoria. Tori for short." She announces, walking past me and into the stable, while I stand there, my jaw hitting the ground. What? This is just my luck. Two more to go today, and one more next month. Then maybe no more...
I enter the stable through the broad doors, and Tori is standing in front of Tempest's stall. Stroking her! My eyes widen and I feel my face heat up as I rush over.

As I open my mouth to speak, Tori beats me to it. "What's it's name?" She asks without looking at me.

"Tempest. She is my mount. A beauty, isn't she?" I reply through clenched teeth.

Tori smirks. "Oh, yes. You own her?"

I bite my lip, my face heating up even more. "No, but she's assigned to me." I say quietly, my voice laced with venom.

"I see." She is still stroking Tempest.
Look, I don't have a problem with people petting my horse, but this girl is up to something. I can feel it in my bones.

She finally walks away, mumbling something I don't catch under her disgusting breath. She's headed towards the office so I guess she'll talk to Joy without me. Joy owns BE. She has the softest of hearts though which tends to get her into trouble at times.

I walk back out of the stable after giving Tempest a peppermint. Two trucks, two trailers, and a nice black car are parked in our parking lot. I'm 14, almost 15, so I don't have a car. Joy and the other stable hand park in the back under a shed. I see two more girls running my way, a ginger and another blonde.

I put on a fake smile and wave as they get closer. "Hello! I'm-" they run right past me, ignoring the fact that I'm even there. Speaking to them. Well. This. Is. Just. Great.
All the new kids are brats so far.

I hear screeching within the barn, and rush in to see all the horses are cowering in the back of their stalls with wide eyes while the three brats are screaming and jumping up and down, embracing each other.
I narrow my eyes, and clear my throat loudly.

"The horses don't much appreciate the three screaming monkeys in here. This is a stable, ladies, not a zoo." I growled loudly, and all three girls look shocked at my statement. Tori takes a threatening step toward me, her eyes narrowed to slits.

She opens her mouth, but doesn't get a word out before I hear Joy speaking.

"Yes, ladies, I know you're excited to be here but please no raised voices in the building."
Joy says, standing outside her office door down the isle.

Tori immediately takes on an innocent, sweet expression and turns to Joy with big puppy eyes. "Oh I'm sorry! I promise it won't happen again."

"Thank you." Joy smiles, turning and walking into her office. Her head pokes out a moment later though. "Oh, and Victoria, I will consider what we were discussing in my office earlier, alright?"

Tori smiles happily, nodding a yes. The three girls walk off whispering loudly and giggling.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoy my story, I'm really hoping that people will like it!
I have big plans for this book, and I'm going to make sure that it goes a long way

Gif  of Sabrina on Tempest in the media. 


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