Chapter Three

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             T h r e e   |   Sabrina's POV

  Spring flowers bloom by the side of the footpath as I make my way to the stable.
I'm very lucky, as the stable is close by my house. Half a mile, I would say. The sun peeks over the horizon and I smile at it's beauty, ultimately triggering a yawn.
I break into a steady jog all the way to the stable and start panting by the time I reach my destination. Gee, I'm not in good shape.

  After feeding a few of the horses I usually do, I notice the two new horses. A beautiful dapple gray and a sparky chestnut horse. I walk over, extending my hand to the dapple gray slowly, a treat in my palm. His ears flick forward and he steps toward me, gently nuzzling the treat and eventually taking it from me gently. I smile as he searches my hand for more. His name plate on the stall door says, " Steel Your Heart | Steel ". The name suits him.

   Next, I approach the fiery chestnut. This horse pins it's ears at me and paces in it's stall. I scrunch up my nose. It looks 2-4 years old if you ask me, but I'm no expert. The name plate says," Burning Desire | Venus " Huh. Names suits him as well.

   I don't attempt to give Venus a treat, as he lunges toward me in the next moment. I fast walk away, heading to the lodge for a snack.

   I find Victoria and her two friends in the lodge. Woah. Shocker.  ( Note my sarcasm. )    They ignore me as I dig through the fridge for a good drink, such as grape juice. Yes, I might still be a child on the inside... 

"Oh, are you looking for this?" I hear a high pitched girly voice behind me, and know who it is even before I turn. Victoria is leaning against the counter, my grape juice in her hand. 

I sigh.  "Not anymore. You've gotten your pathogens all over it."

Her eyes widen and she shrieks. Just at that moment, Mrs. Joy struts into the lodge, and when her eyes meet Victoria's, I know what's coming. 

"What's going on here?" Mrs. Joy huffs. 

Victoria is quick to answer. And I groan as she speaks quickly and in a scared tone. 

"Sabrina just called me an ugly name! And for no reason!" 

Mrs. Joy turns to me. "Is this true?"

"No!" I groan, swinging my arms all over the place. "She stole my grape juice and rubbed it in my face on purpose!" I growled, my eyes locking with Victoria's. 

Mrs. Joy narrows her eyes. "I minds well punish both of you for this... But I'll let you off just this once. But if I ever see you girls pull a stunt like this again, there will be consequences."

There's that soft heart showing through again. I sigh. Mrs. Joy snatched the grape juice from Tori, and hands it to me, her eyes merely slits. I smirk as she walks away and Tori is fuming.  I take a leisurely sip, then walk away. 

Point one, Sabrina. 


     Tempest flares her nostrils as I canter her around the arena, warming her up.  Anger has been surging through me ever since I found out that Tori will be trying her out today. I keep reassuring myself that Tori won't be able to handle such a high spirited horse, but from what I've learned about her so far, she can adapt. Tempest is a high strung thoroughbred mare. Not some classy show horse.  I press my leg against her side and she veers to the right of the arena, somehow managing to pick up speed. I tug on the reins sharply as I realize she's in one of her moods. Maybe Tori will get thrown off and not want to ride her... Ha, wishful thinking. 

I sigh at myself. Never before have I hoped someone would get thrown off... But Tori will ruin Tempest! I can tell by her attitude! She's one of those girls. 

I dismount after a rather inelegant speed around the arena a few times. Mrs. Joy and Tori come out of the barn soon enough, and my stomach twists in ways I didn't know were possible. I keep a face void of any emotion, because I will not give Tori that pleasure! 

After Tori and Mrs. Joy chat for a moment, Mrs. Joy takes the reins from me and Tori mounts my poor mare. All the while, Mrs. Joy never makes eye contact with me. She hands Tori the reins, and they break into a brisk trot. My fe twitches with anger but I quickly return it to emotionless as Tori rounds the been and approaches a small jump, around one foot tall. A very small jump if I say so myself. 

Disappointment grows in the pit of my stomach as Tempest clears the jump effortlessly with no problems and clears the next jump too, perfectly. She always gives me problems! Why is she being so darn good for Tori?! My blood boils and I march off, back to the barn. 

This is so not happening. 


Hey guys! Sorry for such a short chapter, but nonetheless I hope you enjoyed it! My plans for this book are HUGE, and there might be up to four books. Heck yeah. It all depends on if I can fulfil all the things I want to happen. Which will take at least two books but it depends. I'm so happy for this book! 

Picture of Sabrina in the media. ⬆

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