Chapter 17- Escape Attempt || Part Two

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Chapter 17- Escape Attempt || Part Two

I never knew what time of day it was... I just slept when I was tired, stared at a dark wall when I awoke and repeated until I got fed.

But this day, this day was different than most. Seeing the closet door open quickly with the bright lights flashing on, I cover my eyes.

"Time to go," my mother tells me.

"Where?" I insisted.

"There's house inspection," she replies frantically.

Just as I opened my mouth to say something, she was lifting me in her arms and out of the closet.

Thrashing, she only grasps me tighter to her chest...
I needed her to get caught by these people-

A knock was heard on the door as she shoved me under the floorboards with my mouth taped, just like she does every time somebody comes over.

"Mrs. Edwards?" A deep voice questions.

"That'd be me," my mother cheerfully replies.

"Your house is due for inspection according to the government. Let us in or be arrested," the guy explains.

"Come in, be my guest," my mother chirps as she usually does. "But I assure you, there is nothing here to be suspicious about."

"Mrs. Edwards, you have the right to remain silent as anything you say may be used against you in the court of law," the guy points out.

Their footsteps came close to where I was hidden under the floor.
Screaming, my voice was muffled due to the duct tape, but I tried anyways...

"You hear that?" A different guy questions, all of them going silent for a moment.

"Hear that you're a whack job?" The main guy says. "Yes, I've heard."

"Take the upstairs, Paul. We got the downstairs," another speaks up.

Footsteps sound farther and farther away after that...-

I get dumped on a hard floor from the huge bag that I was getting carried in.

"Hope you didn't get too comfortable in there," Curtis smirks.

Gathering myself to my feet, I feel my blood boil to give me a sudden urge beat his face in.

Looking around I see dim lights, caged windows, a toilet, a flat bed, and a single chair.

"You two better explain why the hell I just got carried to a jail cell!" I seethe in anger.

"You're our prisoner now," Curtis replies.

"You think I'm that stupid?" I question in fury. "Of course I'm your prisoner if I'm in a cell!"

"Well, it wouldn't have to be like this if you'd just say where Leon was," Quint speaks up after awhile.

"Why does this matter so much to you people?" I say. "He's just a runaway. Every pack has those."

"Leon isn't just any member," Quint tells me. "We have our reasons for doing things, Estelle."

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