Chapter 18- Confessions

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Chapter 18- Confessions

Hauling Rangel back to our camp's clearing, I continue to limp with his weight crushing onto me...

Alpha wasn't in sight as always, probably all jolly in his mansion eating a box of chocolates in a hot bath.

Rolling my eyes, I step up my cabin's steps and push the door open, heaving Rangel inside.

Seeing the cabin as empty-

"Rangel!" Jackel shouts in surprise.

Alright, don't speak too soon...

"Estelle, what the hell happened?"

I gaze up at him as he approached.

"What?" He says. "Did they cut your tongue?"

"Not funny," I huff. "How do you think we feel after being snatched and then forgotten?"

My words made him flinch...
He never came back for us. Along with Charlie and all of them.

Walking past him with Rangel still wrapped in my arm, Jackel grasps onto my shoulder.

"Hey, I'm sorry-" he starts.

"Just shut up before you say something completely idiotic and regret it," I tell him,"I know enough to not be swayed into your apologies anyways."

"Estelle, just let me explain!" He shouts as I struggle to get Rangel up the first stair... His weight was becoming more and more heavy as he got exhausted from standing upright.

Suddenly, I feel Jackel grabbing Rangel from me, easily helping him up the staircase.

"Jackel-" I start.

"I owe you this one," he insists.

I glare at him.

"You just now are noticing that you're a complete jackass to me?"

"Let's just say that this is a time where I actually care," he growls to me. "Normally, I couldn't care less about your pissy attitudes. But since Rangel is with you, it's difficult to not feel guilty."

"Knew you couldn't be that considerate," I reply, reaching the top stair,"you treat Stacey poorly like this as well?"

Jackle's gaze snaps at me when my friend's name rolls off my tongue. If he even thinks about hurting her mentally or physically, I'd be more than just in a 'pissy mood'....

"I don't know what you're talking about," he seethes, clearly lying to me while reaching the top step beside me. "Out of my way."

Groaning in irritation of his tone towards me, I take a couple steps back more then needed and his hand was on my wrist.

"Don't think you're off the hook," he tells me. "You're going to tell me everything that happened, start to finish."

"And if I don't?" I wonder.

"I'll just go to Alpha and say you've been Leon's little toy when you shouldn't be," he says, releasing my arm from his firm grasp. "I'll gladly get you kicked from this camp, Estelle."

I roll my eyes, gazing up into his yellow eyes. As if I wasn't probably already going to get kicked from this place sooner or later...

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