Chapter 19- BreakUps

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Chapter 19- BreakUps

Striding to my social group that Alpha requested that I attend, my thoughts kept tumbling on replay....

Leave CottonWood early?
Was I insane for even mentioning that? I don't even love Rangel to the point where Alpha would let us go.

And as if leaving with Rangel would solve any of my problems anyways....

"Look who decides to show up," the consoler greets rudely.

"It's not by choice," I reply just as rudely.

I look around me to see all the wolves sitting around the campfire as usual, all of them strangers to me.

"Well, take a seat, Estelle," she pipes up. "We've got plenty to discuss."

Grumbling, I find a plastic chair next to some heavyset blonde with too much makeup on to the point where it was overwhelming to look at her face.

And these people wonder why they are here from being bullied around...

"Estelle, care to go first today?" the Consoler offers with a warm smile as she sat down in a plastic chair as well.

"Pass," I gently say. "I'm fine."

"There shall be no passing today," she replies. "Share your thoughts."

"You just asked me," I point out.

"It's called being polite," she tells me sternly. "Something you haven't mastered."

Wanting to stand from the chair and run to Rangel and just leave this second with our lives at risk in the forest, I clear my voice anyways to share my thoughts.

"I think I don't realize what people do for me sometimes," I admit aloud.

"Clara, have any thoughts on this?" The Consoler questions.

Clara looks to me with her big eyebrows and huge geeky glasses.
"I think that's okay as long as you make sure the person knows you're grateful in the end of things."

I grip the inside of my palm annoyed with this whole support group as I smile generously towards the girl.

She eyes me blankly in reaction to my smile which makes me even more on edge. Gazing back to the Consoler, she glares at me suddenly.

Sighing, I glance to Clara again and say,"Thanks for your thoughts, Clara."

"Estelle, you're very welcome," Clara responds just as the Consoler instructed us to do every time upon speaking to each other afterwards...

Honesty, we all got treated as if we were normal five-year-olds in a human kindergarten classroom.

Nearly listening to the next set of overweight girls speaking to each other, I gaze skywards at a bird swooping down to the grassy ground to probably snatch a dinner-

"Estelle, have any input to this?" The Consoler randomly questions me quickly.

Abruptly sitting straight, my eyes search the circle to the two girls and see one of them wearing an ugly plaid dress.

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