13 (strange theory)

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I'm bursting with theories about undertale like how sans can actually be a human and where exactly he got his powers fro-

Wrong script sorry.

Lemme try again.

I'm bursting with theories about MCD! like for example how Chad may actually be able to travel through timelines and space, or maybe the fact that aphmau is Irene - she used different timelines to make her dimension to protect people and make time go slower their so they wouldn't stay their long, but controlling it was difficult and with that she couldn't hold it for much longer , shattering her across dimensions, time and space. Irene became corrupt , well her look and body was , her soul was still pure but it was being shattered apart, irene started harvesting shadow souls, when she had enough she could make a pure soul out of dark ones, so she started the making of her new soul, she swapped her soul with the new one and her old corrupt soul cracked open sending parts of relics that held her powers down to earth, one escaped into the hands of high priest Zane as Seen on ep 100 s1 (which aphmau was able to obtain later on) , the new soul was called aphmau, she didn't remember her past because when 2 souls are switched , the person still keeps their age and look,but does not remember their past, that she needs to figure out her other soul's past and origins... Then the city of pheonix drop... began.

The problem is my theories are too complex because of my recent liking for undertale, like souls referring the the humans and monsters and being shattered across time and space is s reference to a mysterious character called w.d. gaster and a bit of sans too.

What do you think of that theory?
(I have like 10 more theories on aphmau being irene)

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