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This is not my first Wattpad account. I made this one because I needed something that express me. The old account had my past and I wanted to get rid of it. But, me being me I couldn't deactivate my account because of my friends. I just realized how dramatic I am sounding. Anyways, I hope this book with help people in some way. I don't know how but it will.
I'm currently fifteen years old and I'm transgender. I can't really come out to my family because of my culture and that my mother is very homophobic and transphobic.
So this story might just be me talking about being in the closet... or maybe not. I know that I will tell my family that I am transgender and pansexual when I turn eighteen.
The main point of this book is to see my adventures of being in the closet.

JaiDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora