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I wake up really early basically everyday and it sucks. My brain automatically gets me up either around five or six in the morning. I try to sleep in but my brain alarm clock is like "Nope, you're getting up." And I can't really argue with myself because I'll probably shout...
I'm guessing I should put facts about who I am.
Well, I am Jai and it's not my birth name because my birth name is the really feminine.
I just turned fifteen this month. (For those late readers, it's march.)
I like to read manga and as well other novels.
I used to have depression but now trying to over come it. (If that made any sense.)
I'm Canadian and proud!~
I'm actually saving money for top surgery for when I am older.
I like it when someone calls me Senpai (I know I'm weird.) because I feel like I am fabulous when being called.
People tend to call me nice but then I tell them that I can bite them. (They always laugh it off though...)
When meeting someone new, I become annoying and awkward.
I like the colour purple and baby blue.
I have shit eyes. (I need glasses and I have brown eyes.)
My pronouns are he/him.

I think that's enough. Anyways, thanks for reading.
Love Jai

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