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Everyone knows the rhyme about the sticks and stones right?

How words will 'never hurt me'.

We are programmed to believe that everything happens for a reason and that it gets worse before it can get better.

But what happens when worse is better, and when the worst is unbearable.

When your mind is screaming at you to fight back, say something that stops them!

When it tells you that there has to be more, you can't live like this, don't let them push you around, don't let them pull you down or hold you back, don't let them slowly kill everything that is you!!

But how are we meant to believe that words don't hurt.


Waste of space.






Hearing these words over and over again, having them written on your locker, having them shouted at you,
Having 'Camilla Noles is a freak' written on the walls of the bathroom.

How does that hurt more than physical pain.

What happens when that final string holding your sanity snaps.

This is what went though my head as my best only friend Cole pulled out a gun.

"Cole..."I whisper as my body freezes
"what the hell are you doing?" I hiss.

His eyes flicker from sad to...something I can only describe as crazy.

"I won't let them push me around anymore Cammie" he whispered darkly,
I shook my head,I choked down the fear that rises in my throat.

"Cole please,put that away" I grabbed his arm.
Trying to talk some sense into him.
He shakes his head and storms in to the cafeteria.

I run after him, he burst though the door.

"Please" I beg quietly, he pulls away.

I'm losing him, something!
I shout at myself.

I lose all hope when he fires three shots into the roof.

"EVERYBODY OUT!" He shouts before pointing the gun and the table full of jocks, bad asses and cheerleaders "except for you" he growls.

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