Chapter| 1

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They say one day can change everything for you,that that day can go one of two ways,that this 'world stopping' day can make everything either better or worse.

This day is defiantly worse.

"Cole!" I scream as people rush past me,screaming for help,crying. "Stop!what on earth has gotten into you?!" I cry out hoping he will hear te plea in my voice.

"What do you mean Cam,I'm stopping them,I'm doing this for you,for me and for everyone else who lives they made a living hell" he ask not taking his eyes off the table full I people "help me" he says

Help him?

He's not serious.

Is he?

I slowly stalk towards him,I place my hand on his forearm."Cole,this is crazy,you don't really want to hurt them" I say softly,"yeah,I agree they are ass holes,and how they greet people is wrong,but please stop this,give me the gun,don't go off the edge" I whisper softly,tears well up in his eyes before his face turns to one of anger and agony.

"No" he says firmly "they deserve this" he paces around the table,"so either join me,or join them" he points the gun at me.

"This isn't you!" I shout making goose around me flinch "Cole I know you,you're sweet,quiet,smart,you don't really want to hurt them" I look to the table of my classmates "that's Jace,my neighbour,the kid we had water fights with,the kid who cried for his mum when he though you fell down the drain pipe in hide and go seek" I slowly stalk towards him "these are the people we grew up with and yes,they can be ass holes but this isn't the answer,this isn't my Cole" I whisper the last part.

"The Cole you know is either help me,or sit down and shut the fuck up" he hisses

It's as of all the air had been pulled from my body.

I sat down.

A look of betrail flashed across his face before it was gone again "if you kill them you'll have to kill me too" I whisper staring him down.
"Fine" he points the gun at Jay "you,take the chains from the duffle and chain the doors" He shuffles to the two sets f doers and chans and padlocks them.

Great.were trapped.

"Isn't *hiccup* someone*hiccup* gonna do*hiccup* anything?" Julie the school queen B cries looking at Jace.

"What? Dose it look like I carry a gun?" He snapped
" you kinda do seam like the guy who would have one" Keith says slowly,I scoff.
"Something funny?" Jace grits his teeth
"You wouldn't know how to use a gun to save your life...excuse the reference" I bite at him."sure guys leave it to me to figure everything out" I mutter under my breath.

Cole stands at the end of the table now.

"Are you just gonna stand there or what?" I ask sweetly he raises his gun at Tia.
"Tia,last week we were paired together for bio,but when Miss called my name what did you say?" He leans over her
"I-I" she stutters
"What did you say?!" He shouts making her scream
"I said the subject should be called BO because your body door was all we would smell" she squeaks
"That's right,how dose it feel to be the one sweating because if your fear Tia?" He laughs.

3rd hour.
"We have to get out if here" Lacey mutters while I stare at Cole,his knee is still injured from the football jocks prank last week,and he is favouring his right hand.

"What do you suggest?" Jace barks at her
"I can't believe I'm gonna do this" I whisper as all heads snap to me
"Do what?" Jay asked his eyes flickering nervously
"I'm gonna distract him,get to the window smash them do something,just get out of here" I order

"What?!no,what if he kills you?" Jace snaps
"Then use his shock to your advantage" I shake my head rising from the table "just remember one thing" they nod "I hate all you for doing this to him" and with that I pull two bobby pins from Tia's hair and walk to the doors.

I get on my knees I front of the padlock and start attempting to pick the locks.
"Cam,what do you think you're doing?" Cole yells,with a sigh I stand up.
"Cole,it's been three hours and you've done nothing,you may as we'll kill me when I'm leaving because I won't die sitting around feeling sorry for myself" I say in a bored tone

"YOURE JUST LIKE THEM!" He shouts "what you think this is all a joke,that I'm weak that I won't stop you" he stalks towards me,I shrug

"If you were gonna do something you would have already" I state simply keeping a flat face.

He presses the gun against my forehead "still think it's a joke?"

"Last chance Cole,put the gun down" I whisper.he grins



I bring my knee up to his stomach,affectively knocking the wind out of him,he stumbles back a few steps  before charging at me,I step to the side as he swings his arm at me.

He stands Still facing me,he points the gun at me again,he pulls the trigger.

I can hear screams from the girls and yells from the boys,my eyes flicker from my wounded shoulder back to Cole who has gone pail.

"Bad move" I yell charging at him,with my in injured arm I throw a punch to his head knocking him back.

He grasp the gun to his chest and I close in I grab the gun with one hand,we struggle for it,

"Give it to me" I shout

"It's all I have left"


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