Chapter 3|

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They say that physical pain will be the most amount of pain we will ever experience. They say once a wound heels that the pain is gone and forgotten.

Whoever 'they' are needs a fucking lesson in life.

Because I can tell you the physical pain of my shoulder is nothing compared to the pain I am feeling emotionally.

Not even t'they' say...physical pain heels and is forgotten.emotional pain stays with you forever,never healing never going away and never forgotten.

I pour vodka over the wound one more time before covering it up,I feel all the events from today take it's toll on me.

I moved back here to get away from this shit.i think angerly shaking my head I take another mouthful of vodka,welcoming the burn it leaves in My throat.

A light from the house beside mine draws my attention.

I look up to see Jace staring at me.

His grey eyes sweep across my chest until they rest on my now stitched shoulder.

an unknown emotion takes though my stomach.

I grab the bottle once again taking a swig and walk out if the kitchen.

The first night is always the hardest to make it though.

What if I calmed him down?

What if I didn't try to leave?

What if I just let him be?

Questions like this float though my head all night as I sit at my bedroom window and watch the sun rise.

So much for sleep.

I stare at the very empty bottle on the ground as cans join the bottle I feel the high of the alcohol fade and the headache  start.

I guess it's time to get ready for the aftermath.


I close the door locking it after me I make my down the stairs.

Big mistake.

People surround my house some holding cameras,others microphones.

Once they spot me all hell breaks loose.

Talk about invasion of personal space.

"Miss Noles,what to you say to allegations that you were involved in the planing of the siege?" One reporter yelled in my ear.

"Is it true that you supplied the gun?" Another shouted

"Miss,is it true that you delivered the fatal shot?"

"Enough!" A voice yelled. Everyone froze,I look up,breathing a sigh of relief.
"Everyone leave,if I find any of you harassing her again I'll have you arrested" Luke shouted over the noise.

I quickly ran and jumped in the front of Luke's police car,Luke is my god farther,also just happens to be a should be able to feel my relief from where you are. Luke gets back in the car and starts it.

"you alright pumpkin?" he asked looking me over,i simply nod,staring out the window . he didn't push it any further,which i'm grateful for.he knows when i get like this that i need to be left alone.

we pulled up put side the police about twenty minutes later, i could see the others from last nigh pull up with their parents briefly, i wonder where mine probably in a meeting,unaware that their daughter was held hostage by her best friend who she proceeded to kill.

Yeah, they're not the typed of parents to come running every time i scratch my knee.

"you ready kiddo?"Luke asked pulling me from my thoughts.

"yeah" i say, it's not like this is the first time I've had to make a statement,it most likely wont be the last either.

we walk up the back entrance of the stand into the waiting room, i'm the last one to arrive, all eyes turn to me, the pierce though me, no doubt thinking about what i did... what i did for them.

to save them...losing my best friend in the process.

"lets get this over with shall we" i walk down the hall into the room i would fill out the report i on how i killed the only person who ever meant something to me. what a fantastic day.

" i can't go in with you, but just tell them what happened, tell them why Cole snapped, you'll be fine" luck said brushing my hair away from my face. i nodded, swallowing the bile in my throat and keeping up my emotionless facade.

" i know, i will and thanks Luke" i said before walking down to the interview room, for some bright reason we are having a interview as a group.


the others followed shortly after, i refuse to make any eye contact with them.

"good morning guys" the detective said "i'm detective Johnson, ill be responsible for the investigation, we'll try get this sorted as soon as possible" he said with a grim smile, our eyes met and her offered me a small smile. "I'm going to need you all to write down what happened from when Mr Henderson entered the cafeteria to" he stared at me "until you got out" he passed around paperwork to all of us while setting up the camera for the video interview.

I'm so sorry Cole.

With a sigh I begin to write out my report.

"Alright guys, we have to take a video interview for evidence, we're happy to do it as a group if you guys are" everyone around the table nodded. i rolled my eyes, great this is the last thing i wanted to do.

"alright thanks" he said switching on the video camera, Detective Johnson stated out asking the others questions, i just sat there, my fist clenched my jaw on the verge of snapping, i listened to their bullshit, their sob stories, Cole was crazy, i mean who would target us, what did we ever do?

"enough" i snapped out glaring at Julie " how dare you sit here and play the victim, this is your fault, all of it, you just couldn't leave him alone, that's all he ever wanted, he was a good guy, he had a life ahead of him, he was going somewhere, what mistake did he make? what did he ever do to deserve your constant harassment? you and your pathetic excuse of friends did this, all the bullying all the snickers all the beating from you jocks" i shot the boys a deadly glare " there is only so much a person can take, you guys pushed him time and time again, do you guys know that i had to stop him from killing himself four time" i paused while the look of shock crossed their faces " no but that's what guys wanted ' why is he even here' or how about all the times you said 'the world would be better without freaks like you in it' but no, you guys are innocent right? you never did a single thing that could have effected him, you guys destroyed his life, you broke his will to live and you guys killed him,  not me, because of you guys, i shot my best friend last night, i killed someone for you guys, you don't deserve that, you don't deserve to be saved at the loss of such an amazing person, so now, now i'm going to take back all that you have taken from me, everything you have stopped me from having will be mine, your friends will grow to hate you, your family will see you as nothing but a disappointment, i will ruin your lives as you ruined his." i finished standing up and leaving the room. 

i walked out the doors of the stations, yet again there was people with cameras, plashing lighs, questions thrown at me, i didn't care anymore, i just walked, not knowing where i was going, but that didn't matter, i just had to get out of there.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2016 ⏰

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