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This is an original work by @sazzie00 if this work is stolen there will be a price to pay.

Most likely your soul.

Please if you see my work being stolen tell me I put a lot of effort into this.

Roles reversed© 2016 Sarah jones.

Meet Camilla Noles,School nerd,normal boring life.Wake up,school,homework,eat,sleep,repeat.
Parents are a rare sighting,owning their own company keeps them over seas and away from home.

But what happens when Cole Evans,her only friend,brings a gun to school.

He wouldn't hurt her...right?

But what happens when he takes histages,herself included.

You would expect the big bad football hocks to save you wouldn't you?

But what happens when they don't,when the sit there and cry for mummy.

What about the bad boy,who watches Coles every step closely.

But what happens when you're left to save yourself and everyone else.

What happens when roles are reversed.

What about the weeks after?

How do you go back to 'normal life'

We'll add a certain bad boy next door neighbour ,and a promise to take away all that a queen B has worked for.

And you've for yourself one heck of a ride.


Starting date: 13/4/2016
(My birthday)
Ending date: ongoing

Hey y'all,
Welcome to my new book 'Roles Reversed'
And also if you've read this far into the Authors note give yourself a pat on the back.

So a few rules for this book.
1) please NO negative comments
2)do not and I repeat DO NOT steal my work/story line.
3) enjoy because I put a lot of work into this book.

And a HUGE thank you to @_holly4_ for being me editor and best friend.

Now I can't promise fast updates or a strict update timetable because I have a lot of things to focus on at the moment but I'll try get them up as quickly as I can.

Thank you.
I love you all.

Sarah Xx

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