Chapter 5

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"Kasey, are you almost ready?" mom hollered from the other side of the bathroom door.

"Yes." I replied, as I opened the door. I put a lot of lipgloss on, thinking it would make me look "prettier." Which, it did, but I think I put too much on.

"You look beautiful, but you would look even more beautiful without all of that makeup on." mom was using child psychology on me.

"Mom, I'm not seven. I don't fall for that anymore." I told her.

"Here, ask Christina." mom knocked on the guest room door.

"Christina, would you please tell mom-"

Christina interrupted me.

"I heard everything. I'm with mom on this one, Kasey." Christina caught me in a big hug.

"I wish you guys would stop lying to me! I don't want you to make me feel better. I want you to tell me the truth." I exclaimed. I went outside and slammed the door, and got in the car. At least we were going to Church, my safe place.
* * *
As I walked through the door, I saw a guy from youth group who never talked to me, but he always smiled. I started walking around to find a seat, and David, the guy from youth group, stopped me.

"You look beautiful, Kasey, without all of that stuff on your face," he said bashfully, "I don't mean I like you or anything, I just wanted to tell you -, you know." he blushed and looked down.

"Thank you, David." I replied and sat down. David sat down beside of me.

"Oh, uh," he got up quickly.

"It's okay, you can sit with me." I assured him.

"Are you sure? Isn't your family coming?" he looked embarrassed.

"They're sitting back there," I pointed to where my parents were.

"Oh," David sat back down. The service was great, but it was kind of awkward sitting beside of a boy who actually thought I was beautiful.
* * *
David walked me out to my parents' car.

"I'm being transferred to your school," David told me, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Uh, not to scare you, but I hate that school," I replied. Just then mom hollered out the window of the car.

"Kasey, it's time to go!"


"Sorry, David, I have to go." I said and started walking away, but he grabbed my arm.

"Wait, I wanted to ask you if you'd go get fro yo with me tomorrow, after school. No, wait. I'm so stupid!" he slapped his forehead, "I didn't mean like a date. You don't have to. Sorry for asking."

"I'd love to," I smiled. Did David like me?

He smiled.

"So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" he said.

"Yep. Bye!" I waved and ran to the car and got in. I smiled, just thinking that someone might actually like me.
* * *
I woke up at five a.m. straight, and I couldn't go back to sleep. It was light out, surprisingly, so I just got up and changed clothes. It was Monday. I was having fro yo with David today. After - dun dun dun - school. I wasn't excited about school. At all. I walked out of my room quietly, trying not to wake anyone up. I opened the door and went outside. I went over to the wish pond by our house and took my socks and shoes off. I put my feet in the cold water and picked up a stone and threw it in the pond. Dad came outside and sat down beside of me. I guess I woke him up.

"Donut?" dad asked and handed me the donut box.

"No, thanks. I don't want to gain weight, I don't want to be fat anymore. I want to lose weight." I replied, pushing the box away.

"Don't want to go to school because you're afraid?" dad asked.

"Yeah. Why can't I just run off to a place where no one can find me, and no one can make me feel like dying?" I said, surprised I actually got the words out of my mouth.

"Because we would miss you too much," dad said and shoved the donut box in my face.

"No one would miss me," I replied and pushed the box down.

Dad stood up and kissed me on the head.

"I couldn't live knowing I would never see you again. Love you, beautiful." he said and walked to the house.

I stared at the water.

"Lord, help me," I whispered, putting my head in my hands.

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