Chapter 10

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As two weeks passed by, I was no longer punished for sneaking out of the house.
I still couldn't get over the story mom told me about Christina. All this time, I thought she had always been perfect. Well, nobody's perfect, but she seems as if she is. But she's not.
If Christina made it through this war I'm battling, then so can I. Today, I'm going to the kids' hangout who pick on me. But it took some courage.
I had to be pushed, so I made myself, and stood bravely before those who've hurt me.

I took a deep breath, then nervously walked over to them.
"Look who's coming, Kasey Carver-" I cut Randy off, "Save it, Randy. I've had enough."

"Looks who's trying to be brave." laughed Misty.

"I've been a pushover, but not anymore. Lately, I've let things get the best of me, but I'm done. So you can save your insults and name-calling, cause I will no longer let you treat me this way. I don't care what you say, I'm fine the way I am. I was created in God's own image. He made me the way I am. So I don't care if you call me fat, ugly, or whatever you say. I'm done." I finally took a stand.

I left them speechless for awhile, until they finally spoke up.

"Well- well-!!" Misty had no response.

"Kasey thinks she's being the bigger person!" Jane said.

"No, I'm done with your insults. It doesn't bother me anymore." I replied, "we all have our flaws, but ugly isn't one of mine. I may not be as slim as others, but who cares about a person's shape? What matters is their heart."

Randy raised his hands in surrender.
"Okay. There's nothing left to say, but bye, Kasey."

I walked away proudly, that went better than I thought.
David and I walked the trail at the park, then sat down at the bench to rest.

"So, you're being homeschooled, right?" he looked disappointed.

"Yeah. But I'm gonna tell you why." I replied.


"So, ever since I started going to that school, these teens have been giving me a hard time. Insulting me, calling me names, and making fun of me. They've put me down, making me feel less special than everyone around me. I finally stood up for myself. I have a feeling they won't be bothering me anymore. And I'm glad I finally spoke up, and told them I was done with their insults, and everything. I'll talk to my parents about going back to that school, because I really like you." I smiled sweetly at him.

"Wow, Kasey I didn't know how cruel people treated you. I'm sorry. I would like to be able to see you though." he smiled warmly at me.

"I don't need people's pity, but thanks for understanding. I'll still try to change my parents' minds." I replied.

"Oh, okay then. Goodbye Kasey, I'll see you at school sometime?"

"Yeah, maybe. Bye!" I waved as he ran for his car.

I felt better about myself. This is a new me, I feel-- I don't know. But I don't feel like everyone is sooooo much better than me anymore. People really can make you feel like trash, well, I'm done with everyone's harsh words. Jesus was my only hope. But this doesn't mean it's the end of the bullying, I haven't stood up in public.

I still want to lose weight. I want to do this for myself, and not for anyone else. I also want to make things right with Clarissa. I don't know if this is the end of my tears, or my mom, dad and Christina-talks.
I'm just proud and confident I finally stood up for myself.

"Thanks for giving me courage, Lord." I said.

When I got home, I walked on the treadmill for five minutes, hoping to lose at least a few pounds.
Maybe this was a new start for me...

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