Chapter 6

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After school, me and David were going out for fro yo. I combed my hair, I wore my red flannel T-shirt and a blue jean skirt. What? I wanted to like nice since we were going out for fro yo. Not that I'm counting it as a date, but...

"Kasey?" mom said as I walked down the stairs.

"You're dressed fancy." Christina smiled.

"Well, I just wanted to look nice." I smiled.

"You usually try to get out of school, what happened?" asked mom.

"Ooh! Who's the guy? Can I meet him?" Christina got it all wrong.

"Mom! Make her stop!" I crossed my arms.

Mom grinned, "Christina, stop bugging your sister."

"Hold on," she replied, "so, who's the lucky guy?"

I rolled my eyes and shut the door behind me, I could still hear Christina in the background going on and on, "Kaseys' got a boyfriend," she repeated. I could even hear her saying, "Kasey is lovestruck. That's so sweet!"

Dad drove me to school. "Kasey, why are you dressed so-- fancy?" he questioned me.

"Dad!" I yelled and put my seatbelt in the buckle.

I tried to avoid dad's questions all the way there. Which was hard, because he just wouldn't stop!


I walked to my locker, and found a note, it read;

Your mom came down to the school yesterday, me and the girls got in trouble, and I believe you had something to do with it, tattletale? If you rat us out again, it won't end well. And it's not gonna end well this time, either. Maybe this will teach you not to mess with us. We're going to get you, KC! ~Randy

I turned around, frightened. And there I stood, face to face with Randy, Misty, Jane, and Clarissa.

"Uh, hi guys." I said, slowly.

"Yeah, 'hi.' Thought you would've learned your lesson by now!" Randy smirked, I knew he plotted revenge.

"Please, I had nothing to do with my mom coming down here. I tried to stop her!" I cried.
My eyes watered, and I got a lump in my throat. I can't get another black eye!

Step by step, Randy, Misty, and Jane got closer to me, trying to beat me up. I stepped back slowly, and bumped into the lockers, making Randy smirk. "This is going to be a lot funner than I thought." laughed Misty.

"Guys, what's the point?" Clarissa stood in there way, and I saw a glimpse of my old friend.

"Clarissa, what's your deal?" Randy pushed her back.

"Why do we do this? For attention? To make everyone scared? To make them run away when they see us coming? This isn't right! Why do YOU all do this? To chase your pain away? So others will feel what you feel?" she stood up for me. Clarissa, my ex-best friend, I never expected her to come crawly back to me.

"Wow, 'miss religious' has popped back up!" laughed Jane.

Clarissa turned on God, and that's when she became my 'ex-best friend.'

Clarissa walked away without another word. The other bullies walked away, and left me alone at last. But this was only once, I don't know how she'll act next time.

At lunch break, David sat with a few other guys, and I left him alone to make friends. I sat down at the same table as Clarissa. She sat alone, not with the 'gang,' like she usually did.

"Is this seat taken?" I got her 'approval' for me to sit down.


I sat down. She tried to hide her face from me.

"Thanks for standing up for me, that showed kindness, and-" she stopped me. "This doesn't mean we're friends, I just got tired of them. So, if that's why you sat down here, you can leave, because there's nothing left to say but goodbye."

"Clarissa, it doesn't have to be this way-" she stopped me again, "Yes it does."

I sighed. "Well, fine. But I still want to be friends, thanks anyways."


I met up with David after school for fro yo.

"Wow." he said.

I smiled. I went back home to change into different clothes after school, a red modest dress, and let my hair out of the braid I had it in, which made my hair wavy.

"So..." I said.

"So?" he said.

We awkwardly sat there, staring at each other. This isn't what I hoped for.

If you can't get them to make conversation, then you have to make conversation yourself.
"How do you like school?"

"Its okay..." he said nothing for awhile, but then broke his silence. "Ugh! I'm sorry, this is awkward. I mean-- I'm awkward! Never mind. Just, I kinda, well, actually--" I paused him, "I like you, too." I smiled at him.

"Y-you do?" he asked with hopeful eyes.

"Yes!" I laughed.

"That's great! Would you like to- yanno?"

"Would you like to tell me what- 'yanno' is?" I blushed.

"Yanno." he said.

I looked at him confused.

"Will you-" I nodded, without hearing what he was going to ask. "I would love to go out with you!" I said.

"That's not what I was going to say." he seemed laid back, because I made it all awkward.

"Oh, it's not?" I melted inside, thanks to my embarrassment. Great.

"No..." he said.

"I'm so stupid!"

"Kasey, I'm sorry. I just- I couldn't find a good way to tell you that I wanted to go out with you. I do, but I was going to ask if you'd help me out in school. My grades are slacking. Would you like to go out with me though?" he asked.

"Yes, I would! And I can tutor you." I smiled, awkwardly. He did the same.

"Well, I better get going, see ya around!"

"Bye!" I said.

Wow, I have a boyfriend. I didn't think anyone would like me, but I thought wrong. I hope our relationship turns out okay, if not, that'll be awkward, very awkward.

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