Chapter 4

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"Alright here are my terms" I say droping a piece of paper on the table

We were in the the abandon factory the next day, only this time there was only a handful of people in here and I wasn't being held at gunpoint.

Dylan pick up the piece of paper and gave it a look.

"Very well agreed. But term number 5 you're going to have to discuss with Michael"

"It's already in my plans" I answered  "Where is he?"

"He's downstairs. You'll propably find him in the computer room."

"Thanks" I say and make my way downstairs.

The term number five was very simple, Michael would have to accompany me on a assignment before we went after Trevor so that way we can see how we work  together as a team.

Following Dylan's instructions I manage to find Michael quickly, like Dylan had said, in the computer room. He was talking with some tech guy, I couldn't hear what was being said but I don't really want to know so I don't bother asking. Michael sees me approaching and he immediatly finish his conversation with the other guy and walks to where I was standing.

"You came." was all he said

"I told you I would." I answered "And I always keep my word."

He said nothing just looked at me as if I was a clue he was trying to decipher.

"I need to talk to you." I told him


"Not here. What I need to talk to you has to be said in private." I said "Meet me tonight at Pizzaria di Marco - Ristorante Italiano we'll talk there."

"I'll be there." he said and then walk away

I was surprised I can't lie. Normally I'm the one that walks away at the end of a conversation not the other way around, but what really surprised me the most was the fact that I wanted him to stay a little bit longer. This man intrigues me.

I spend all day busy researching anything I could find about Trevor, between talking to the tech guys and my own research I hadn't seen Michael all day. But at least I knew I would see him again tonight. I need to know if I can trust him to watch my back or at least to not disturbe or cause me any troubles while we're in the assignment. That was what tonight was all about.

I went home and I pick up my outfit, After dressing a stlylish black t-shirt with some black leggins that fit my legs wonderfully and combine them with my black stilletos and some jewels (black was definately my colour tonight) I fix my  hair, put on some light make-up and leave the apartment. Perhaps I'm a little dressed up for Pizzaria di Marco but I was taught to always be prepared for anything and who knows when I might have to use my good looks to get something or as it usually happens to get me out of something. Besides I like to look good and it definatly has it's perks.

I call a taxi and when one stops and a guy tries to enter it, he sees me watching him and after he gives me a quick glance he's more than happy to let me have it.

Good looks did that although sometimes it was an inconvenience, especially if I'm trying to blind in and go unnoticed. I reach my destination. I pay the cab and step inside the restaurant.

A waitress leads me to my table and I notice Michael is already there waiting for me.

"I see you like to arrive early" I say, it was only 6:45 pm and I told him to be here at 7 pm.

"So do you" he responds giving me what seemed to be a teasing smile

I sit and the waitress arrives to get our order.

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