Chapter 6

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Days went by.

Plans were made.

Strategies discussed.

Everything that needed to be taken cared off was done. There was nothing more to plan. We were ready to start our mission.

"We'll go in tomorrow" I stated in the startegie room.

"Already?" Dylan asks serious "Isn't it better to wait a couple more days? We still don't know about..."

"We'll deal with it when the time comes. We're delaying this for too long, if we're going to do this it has to be now."

Dylan argues a little more saying that there was still things that we didn't know and some more but I decide to ignore him and look at Michael, because in the end of the day it was me and him that were going to be putting our necks on the line. We were going to literally walk and live on the lion's den. I didn't care about Dylan's opinion, only Michael's mattered.

He was looking at the papers in front of him and I could tell he had the weels on his head working overtime trying to decide what was he best course of action. Normally I am used to working alone, that had always been my way, but lately I have grown to trust Michael's suggestions.

He raises his head and stares at me. His piercing blue eyes locked with mine and it was like we were talking with each other, he was silently asking me if I was completly sure about my decision, I nodded. It's now or never.

"We'll go tomorrow" Michael said out loud in his "don't mess with me" voice. Everybody stops talking and looks at him as if he had just lost his mind.

"Michael, we're not ready. It's to soon..." Dylan started arguing but Michael quickly shut him off

"I'm ready and so is Katerina. From my point of view that's all that's necessary." he argumented "This discussion is over"

And with those finals words he walked out of the room. I smirked at Dylan who didn't look too happy about being shut down by one of his men.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow" I say and then go look for my partner.

I found him in the break room pouring coffee on a mug.

"There you are" I say going to him "I was looking for you"

" found me" he smirks

I pour myself a cup of coffee as he drinks his.

We stay silent as we enjoy our coffees.

"Thank you" I say breaking the silence.

He looks at me intrigued "What for?"

"For supporting me back there." I admit "I know I said it has to be tomorrow but I need to know if you are really ready because if you're not..."

"I'm ready" he confirms strongly "We're going to catch that son of a bastard Kat."

I give him a small smile and put my mug in the sink. I don't say nothing as I walk away but I felt complied to give him just one last advice.

"When we get there..tomorrow, make sure you put your best poker face on. No display of any emotion or you're going to get yourself killed before you even take one step inside." and with those finals words I take my leave.


I had a rough night that night, as much as I wanted to act tough and strong around other people, the thought of going back to that place terrified me, as I was ashamed of myself for feeling that way.

Today as I look at myself in the mirror, I try not to flinch at the girl I see staring back at me. This girl was broken on the inside. Outside she may appear flawless and perfect but her eyes tell a completly different story.

I look away from the mirror, put on my leather jacket and leave my apartment. This was no time to get stuck thinking of the past, I had a feeling I would be doing a lot of that once I got there. I put my training in motion and focused on what I needed to do in order to fit in. I park the car in front of Michael's apartment and text him telling him that I had arrived.

A minute later I see him approaching my car, completly dressed in black, just as I was, and with a strick look on his face. It was the kind of look that made people leave the sidewalk they were on just so they don't have to cross him. Me? I found it hot. Really hot.

I guess my emotions aren't so buried after all if I'm sitting in my car imagining ways of taking off his clothes and have my wicked way wih him. He enters and gives a small nod of adknowledgement, never once saying a word. Good for him, I guess he did take my advice in consideration afterall.

"Have you had any word with Dylan?" I ask not really liking the heavy atmosphere in the car

"I talked to him this morning." he finally spoke "We are to brief him in three days of our status, where he will give us further orders."

No more words were exchange during the car ride, once the gates came to our line of sight I tell him just a few more things he has to have in consideration once we are inside.

"Don't forget, no emotions Michael this is very important!" I remind him "Don't talk much, keep it to yourself and don't do anything that draws to much attention to you."

"Got it" he confirmed

"Oh and just one more thing...the women inside might be a little....flirty." I inform him "No matter what you do don't lead them on."

"Wasn't planning too" he said displaying a little smile

"That's what every man says in the begining but those women can be quite persistent, the men never last long"

"I guess I'll just have to count on you to keep all those women away" he says

"You might have to indeed" I confirm feeling the need to smile but knowing that I can't. I can't tell if these days spend here, with him, were going to be difficult since I've only been with the man half an hour and he was aready making me smile. "Poker faces on" I say as I stop at the main gate.

I touch the button of the intercom and wait for an answer.

"Identifie yourselves" a man spoke from the intercom

"This is student 1378 with my partner requesting santuary" I say in my most emotionless and cold voice

"Student 1378 you're cleared to enter" the man said

I put the car in motion as the big gate doors open and examine the place I had sworned never to came back. It was all the same, nothing had changed. There was still the mass building where the classes took place in the middle, people walking around all in black and all with bruises on their faces, a normality around here. Everybody stared as I pass with my car, it was unsual for ex students to return her but everytime one needed some time to hide from the authorities or needed assistance it was this the place where we went to get it.

I stop the car in front of the main building and the man I despised more than my own life already stood on the outside, watching me closely with a big smile on his face.

"It's showtime" I murmur and then I walk out of the car and stood face to face with the man responsible for my nightmares.

"Hello Trevor"

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Apr 30, 2017 ⏰

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