Chapter 6 (Jessica)

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The wind surged with a howling cry outside and trees bent with an eerie creak that put Jessica's teeth on edge when she slowly lifted herself out of her cot. The footfalls of the watchmen echoed in the vacant hallways. If she happened to be stopped along the way to the armory she would plead about using the bathroom. The past two weeks Commander Lee's administration made things difficult for Jessica and her fellow conspirators with ordinances restricting the survivors' movements. Jessica and the rest of the scavengers had been sent out repeatedly in search of large vehicles for the colony's migration. For the envisioned exodus, rations were halved for the journey and medical personnel conducted checks on the populace to ensure the health was maintained but little in the way of the medication stock had been handed out. Everyone was kept in a near state of quarantine although Commander Lee didn't call it that. Dennis had been on a dozen patrols beyond the walls or was on long stretches of guard duty. Leaving Craig to perform most of the tasks within the walls of the colony but even that he was forced to abandon with the hectic preparations.

Tonight, Dennis had a rotation guarding the gate during the early morning, which was the most opportune time for them to make their escape. Craig had slipped out hours before with Jessica's pistol to watch over the car after gathering food and medication from the storage. Craig was able to go about unnoticed more often than not. Jessica's task was to gather the ammunition and weapons.

The armory had one guard stationed at night. Her plan was to make an excuse to taking out a large quantity of weapons and ammunition. If she was not convincing enough then she would be forced to use other means to abscond with the supplies. She hoped to only knock the guard out but her knife was tucked into her waistband, just in case. She made her way to the second floor armory as her hands trembled. She gripped tightly on the cold metal railings hoping to keep her nerves at bay.

She found herself at the door. She froze, too afraid to move forward, and after a heavy sigh she knocked on the door before entering. The guard on duty, barely older than eighteen with a stubbly haircut, approached the late night visitor. Jessica had to suppress a depressed moan as he approached, hating herself for what she would have to do. She hoped he wouldn't resist

"Can I help you?" he asked.

Jessica tried to act as calmly as possible to convince the juvenile guard. "Yes, I need to check out guns and ammo for a long term scouting job." She handed him a list of firearms and cartridges the group wanted.

The attendant eyed the list, reviewing the needed supplies with a scrutinous eye.

"We have everything here but I haven't heard of any scouting operation. Why do this in the middle of the night?" He started to get suspicious.

"Don't look at me, I'm just following orders," Jessica pleaded. "I was told by Sergeant Hamel to fetch the gear."

"It doesn't change the fact that I haven't heard about this request." The young guard walked past Jessica and made for the door. "I'm going to have to ask Hamel about this."

Jessica had to act otherwise the plan will be ruined! Jessica's hands shot up and grasped around his neck, chocking him. The guard reacted with a sudden reserve of quick strength and was able to gain enough leverage to fight against Jessica. She was running out of options, if she didn't find a way to incapacitate the guard she would be forced to kill him. Pushing forward, Jessica drove them forward to the wall hoping the impact would render him unconscious. With the leverage gained from the failed choke hold the guard twisted to send Jessica against the wall to be sandwiched between it and the guard.

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