Chapter 9 (Jessica)

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Ezekiel shook at the sight of the large pistol pointed at him. Jessica didn't plan on lowering the weapon with the strange boy in her presence. She didn't plan on letting her guard down for even the youngest of people.

"Wh-h-hat's the rope for?" asked the cowering boy.

"For hanging our prisoners, boy," Jessica coldly responded.

Now truly terrified, Ezekiel's hands shook just as much as his knees and a dark patch started to spread across his pants. Jessica's threat had sent images of cold death shooting through his mind.

Jessica saw the effect of her words and decided to soften her voice. "Don't worry." She was convinced that this boy was not a threat. However, she still didn't lower the pistol. "My friend is stuck in a crater back in town and I'm looking for rope to get him out."

"I-I can help!" exclaimed Ezekiel. He started to gather a length of rope for Jessica. "Our people get stuck in the craters all the time so we know how you feel."

"Your people?" Jessica asked. "You mentioned you have a family." Jessica gathered the rest of the rope and slung it around her body. She made sure her pistol was still at the ready. Once they got back to Dennis she would relax a little knowing someone was watching her back with the stranger about. They left the storage shed with Jessica a few steps behind the shaky Ezekiel.

Jessica guessed Ezekiel was around fifteen years old, maybe sixteen. His thin frame, still growing but still stunted by the lack of adequate amounts of nutrients, reminded her of the students she worked with in her internships and student-teaching time. Seeing children turn to hard survivors was something Jessica found difficult to comprehend, she did not chose the way her life had taken and neither did they but somehow she always hoped it would be somehow easier for children. That hope never became fulfilled. She pushed those thoughts away feeling there was no value to those memories now. She wouldn't be able to survive carrying that kind of weight. She was nearly oblivious to Ezekiel nervously discussing his life.

"My family, the Andersons, have been in these parts ever since the Civil War in the Old World. When the Scourge of God came down on mankind, my family and a few others were the only ones that stayed even after the bombings."

"How has your family survived?" Jessica was amazed that anyone could survive between then bombs and the endless amounts of walking corpses. By the look and the sheer amount of the craters it would have been terrifying to behold.

"With the Grace of God and our mother's good sense," he answered.

"How did you know I was here?"

"Well, my family lives in one of those abandoned missile silos that the old government started selling long before The Scourge. You passed through the camera line we set up." He pointed to a post a few feet off to the left. "I recommend you put the gun down ma'am. Otherwise my kin will come out and hunt for us. I can help you then take y'all back to the old homestead for food."

Jessica stood for a moment. Wondering what she should do. If there were more of these Andersons living close by then aggravating them would only make matters worse. She lowered the pistol and slipped it into her waistband. As they passed the post that Ezekiel mentioned he gave a short wave, pointed to Jessica and signaled O.K. to whoever was watching. Jessica realized this was why Ezekiel was being so forthwith, he knew he had back up should things go awry.

They returned to the crater field, gingerly stepping between the ledges left between the cavernous depressions in the earth. Jessica directed Ezekiel Anderson through the field until Dennis was in sight. Craig was still in his pit but was able to stand with a slight lean on his healthy leg.

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