Chapter Eleven: Stefan

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Stefan's P.O.V.
I cradled Bella in my arms as I took off running. I could smell the sweet sickening smell of a Cold One near and slightly panic. They were ruthless creatures and had no control over their thirst for blood. As I ran, I saw the guy rush at me and before I knew it the guy tackled me. My grip on Bella disappeared as she was knocked out of my hands. I heard her scream in pain and winced when I felt my abdomen started hurting. I looked down and realized it was bleeding. The guy rushed at me, pinning me to the tree. "Don't touch her." The guy growled. I saw Bella stand up as she clutched her abdomen and said, "What are you doing here Edward?" She knew this guy, a Cold One. As they talked, I kept my eyes on Bella to make sire she was OK. Her abdomen was bleeding heavily and I started to get worried as I saw her get real pale. I soon saw her walk up to him and growl, "An your a dick who left this human for dead in the middle of the god damn woods when you knew that Victoria and Laurent was still out there. You broke my heart and now I am not that shy little girl you thought I was. I've killed your kind before and I won't hesitate to kill you. Now I suggest you let go of Stefan or you'll deal with me." I wanted to laugh because he grew really scared but I also wanted to kill this SOB who hurt her. I knew she was broken when she came here but I never knew how bad. I growled as he dropped me and ran. Glancing at Bella I noticed she was swaying and she called my name before her legs gave out. I ran at vampire speed and caught her before she hit the ground and called her name. Her breathing was hitched and I could hear her heart beating rapidly. "No, you can't die on me Bella. I can't loose you." I said as I bit my wrist and pit it over her mouth. "You have to drink Bella." I said. I felt fear rise when she laid still and tears welded in my eyes as I looked at her. It felt like my humanity was slipping but I let out a sigh when I saw her drink. Her eyes opened as she looked up at me and it was like my whole world seemed to be OK again. I pulled away and helped her sit up. "Are you OK?" I asked her. She looked over at herself and I noticed she was clenching and releasing her fist's. "I... I.. I'm fine, thank you." She said and hugged me. I felt my body relax and hugged her back. I knew without a doubt that I would protect her because I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with Bella Gilbert.

Just a look on what Stefan was thinking about.

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