Chapter Sixteen: Rosalie and Emmet

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Bell's P.O.V.

Feeling better that I had helped Jasper, I made my way to my next class. Mother said I could trust Everyone besides Edward, it wasn't his time yet to be trusted and I had planned on meeting with them all.
As I entered the classroom I quickly spotted Rosalie and Emmet sitting in the far right corner of the room. I saw them look at me with sorrow faces and I smiled at them before taking my seat. I was one seat away from Emmet but I could still hear what they where talking about. They were trying to see how to talk to me. Finally deciding to put them out of there misery I whispered low enough where humans couldn't hear but they could. "Look, stop beating yourself up. I never blamed you guys for abandoning me. Rosalie, even though we really didn't get along, I thought of you as my sister. You were and still are the mist beautiful person I ever saw. Emmet, you were the big brother I've always wanted. Your funny and always the one to make me feel better when I'm feeling down. I missed your jokes and your enthusiasm. Meet me tomorrow at the cemetery, have the others besides Edward and we all will talk." I said as the bell rang. I stood up and left as I made my way to Ric's classroom and smiled at everyone as I took my seat. I smiled brightly at Stefan before I saw him enter the room. My smile instantly turned into a frown as I saw him look at me. Edward. I flinched and turned my head before standing up and glancing at Ric. He looked at Edward and gave him a dirty look before looking at me. He nodded and I bolted. I ran out of the class and ran to the nearest bathroom. I started pacing and I ran my fingers through my hair. I couldn't do this. I couldn't face Edward, not now and probably not ever. I felt tears gathering in my eyes and walked over to the sink before splashing water in my face and looked in the mirror. I could hardly recognized the girl I was before Edward and vampires. I wasn't a normal girl anymore. Tears slipped down my face as I let out a sob and sank to the ground. I wrapped my arms around my legs and pulled them to my chest. I didn't hear Care, Elena, or Bon come in and lock the door or Elena wrapping her arms around me but I cried until I couldn't anymore. "It hurts. He hurt you in the most horrible way but the pain gives you strength. Turn all the hate, the pain, sadness turn it all into power and strength. Don't let Edward when because he hurt you. He needs to feel the loss if you and the woman you've become." Elena said. I sniffles as I registered her words. She had a point and I nodded. "It does hurt, I just wish it would stop." I said. Care gave me a hug and wiped my face off. "He was a dick for leaving someone like you. Your smart, beautiful and full of happiness. Don't let some sparkling fairy get in the way of your happiness." She said causing me to laugh. "And besides, I don't think the boy's will ever let him hurt you. Especially Ric, Damon and Stefan. Ric looked like he wanted to rip Edwards head off." Bon said. I smiled at them. They were true friends and I knew they would never harm me. "Thank you guys. You are the best." I said and we had a group hug. I fixed my hair and makeup before taking a deep breath and smiled. This is the last time I cry over Edward Anthony Mason Cullen I vowed before walking out of the bathroom and back to the classroom. I entered the class with my head held high. I notice everyone looked at us. I smiled at them and smirked over at Eddy before taking my seat, looking at Stefan and nodded my head to say I'm alright. I could feel Eddy's eyes on me the whole time and ignored him. Once the bell rand all the humans left and I could feel Edward come over to me. I felt everyone tense up but I only smirked at him. "What do you want Eddy?" I asked. I saw him flinch and smiled. " I want to talk with you. " He said. I laughed and looked around. "Newsflash this isn't the Eddy show. I don't want to talk. You hurt me and broke me but I am better than you. You and me are never happening again so please do us all a favor and go away. I may forgive the others but you I won't so easily forgive." I explained before I turned and walked over to Stefan and wrapped my arms around him. I desperately needed a hu. He hugged me back and waited until Edward left that we all started laughing. I heard them congratulate me and grinned, pulling away from Stefan. Today was a semi good day and I wished it would stay but the odds are never in my favor.

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