Chapter Twenty One: Kidnapped By A Cold One And Choices

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Isabella's P. O. V.

Hearing someone coming I thought it was just Stefan or Damon or Care so I simply yelled, "Go away, I want some time alone." But I knew when I smelt a sickly sweet smell that it wasn't them. Standing up, I dried my face off and looked around "Who's there. Show yourself." I called out. I saw a flash of black and gold before I saw little old Alice. I sighed in relief as I saw her but still kept my distance. "What are you doing here? I said I wanted to be left alone." I said as she looked at me like I had just kicked a puppy. "Bella, can you give me a minute to appreciate that your alive. Everyone thinks Edward killed you." She replied back. I flinched at his name and felt myself getting angry. "He did kill me Alice. He was lucky I had vampire blood in my system when he choked the life out of me. Its his fault that I'm dead. Its his fault that I can't see my family anymore with wanting to rip their throats out!" I screamed at her. I knew my emotions were going haywire but I never knew it would spiral like this. "Bella, but we're your family. Esme and Carlisle love you like their own... Me and Rose think if you our sister and I know Emmet and Jazz think so too. Edward loves you and he just got scared. He's your soulmate...." "Soulmate. As if Alice. If he was my soulmate he wouldn't left me in the middle of the God damn woods, knowing fully well Victoria was still after me. He wouldn't have said that he never loved me and that I was just a play toy. And you left me. I thought you were my best friend, my sister. But you left and I had no one. Jake shut me out, Charlie was planing on shipping me to Renee's. And then I figure out that I'm adopted. So I come here and find my long lost sister and brother.... Oh and witches, werewolfs, hybrids, and different type of vampires. Only they didn't abandon me, they all love me. They made me feel alive again. Then you guys had to so up again. I wasn't ready to forgive you guys but I did I gave you all a second chance and Edward had to ruin it. He forced himself on me. He forced me to kiss him, he choked me. And guess what! I'm Dead! I'm turning into a vampire. I almost killed my sister Alice, I wanted her blood. What makes me from going after my brother or my aunt or any other human for that matter. I'm a monster because of him. I'm a.... I'm a .... Monster!" I said fully on sobbing now, falling to the ground in a heap. "Oh Bella, I'm so sorry. We'll fix this." Alice said, wrapping her cold arms around me. I only sobbed harder. I didn't notice that she picked me up and ran me to their house or the conversation that they were making but when Esme came over to me a wrapped a blanket around me was when I was pulled out of my shock. "Why am I here. I need to go, I have to tell Stef...." I was cut off by Alice. "You're not leaving until you tell us everything that happened." She demanded. I jumped and flinched before bringing my knees up to my chest. "No, I.... I can't. Not yet. It's too dangerous." I said. "We'll you're not leaving until you do." Alice said. I growled and liked at her. "This is kidnapping. I'll have you know that I killed your kind before, I won't be afraid to do it again. I need to go before it's too late." I said and quickly stood but a piercing pain shit through me and I cried out ad I gripped NY head and fell only to have cold arms grab me. The last thing I saw was their worried faces before everything went black.


I was once again back at the falls, though everything seemed more entranced. I could feel mothers urgency and turned around. "Why did it hurt, I thought that it wouldn't hurt anymore?" I asked walking over to her. She gave me a small smile. "Its because of your transition dear. I need you to change." She said. I stared at her in shock. Why would she want this. "Why?" I asked. "You were born for great things my daughter and I fear that your life is in danger. I've been getting bad omens and something tells me that times are turning. We haven't gotten much time, you've been asleep for hours. I fear the end is near. You have to turn. Promise me, it will get easier I promise but you have to have trust. I love you my beautiful little girl. Never forget." She said before a bright light came and I was no more.

End of Dream

Jolting awake I looked around and saw myself in a very beautiful room that I was assuming was Alice's. I felt super weak. Weaker than I have ever been. I strife getting out of the bed when I heard the door open. I saw Jasper. "Bella, what's wrong, are you OK?" He asked rushing to my side. "I... Need blood. Human blood, from the vein. I need... Stefan. Jasper please I'm dying and this time I won't come back." I said in a scratchy voice. He gave me a determined look and swooped me up in his arms before rushing outside. I started coughing as soon as we got close to town and knew I only had minutes at most left. "Hurry Jazz." I pleaded. I could literally feel the energy oozing out of me when I heard Stefan's voice. Jasper turned and before I knew it I was in Stefan arms. "Blood.... Stef (cough) Stefan. Need blood." I said as I looked at him. He looked at me and nodded his head before he rushed trying to get closer to the town or whatever we were. But I knew it was no use, we would never make it in time. I tugged gently on his shirt. "S.....stop. No use. Too, late." I managed to say. He shook his head and was about to run but I gripped his shirt tighter. "Stop." I whispered. He looked down at me with tears in his eyes as he laid me down on the ground sitting right next to me. "I'm.... So.... Sorry" I coughed out. He shhhed me. "You have nothing to be sorry for. Its my fault." He replied. I shook my head. "Not you fault.... Make sure to watch Elena and Jer." I said more determined. He nodded his head though I noticed tears streaming down his face. "Stefan...." I said. He looked at me as he gripped my hand. "Yes Bella." He replied. Not wanting to wait anymore and since I was dying anyway I looked him in the eyes as I said, "I love you." His eyes widen and I noticed his eyes sparked. "I love you too Bella, you've made me the happiest guy since we've met. God, I love you so much." He cried and pulled me up and brought his lips to mine. And suddenly it felt like nothing else mattered. Fireworks exploded, sparks flew threw me, giving me a newfound energy I never thought I had. I could feel myself growing stronger and stronger by the minute. With my new energy I reached up and cupped his face with my hands as I kissed him back, feeling absolutely amazing. He was perfect, Stefan was absolutely amazing. And I knew, somehow I knew that Stefan was my soulmate.

P. S. OMG they finally kissed. I had so many emotions going through me when I wrote this. Tell me what you think.

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