Chapter Twenty-Five:

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Bella's P. O. V.

As I made my way over to the bed Stefan was laying on, I noticed Bonnie passed out in Damon's arms. I felt bad that she passed out but it had to be done. "Stefan." I breathed out as I collapsed in his arms, still weak from the spell. He caught me as I buried my face in his chest. "Bella... What.... What happened...?" He asked. I pushed weakly against his chest. "Ed.... Edward he.... He bit you... Their venom is poison to us. You were almost dead...I.... I can't lose you." I said my eyes filling with tears. He brought me into his arms as he rocked me back and forth. "I'm alright, you and Bonnie saved me. It's over." He said kissing my head. I looked up at him as he leaned down and gently kissed me. Sparks flew as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. I could feel myself getting stronger and was pleased to know that he was able to make me stronger. He pulled back so we could catch our breath when I heard the sound of pots and pans clanging. Groaning, I looked at him. "Are we ever aloud to get a break?" I asked smiling down at him. He grinned and shrugged his shoulders. "I thoughtso, come on. Let's go see what's going on down there." I said, pulling him up. Grabbing his hand, we walked downstairs and saw Jasper, Emmet and Rosalie talking on the couch. I coughed getting there attention. "Hey. How are you?" Jasper asked looking at me, then Stefan. "We're good. What happened to Ed... him and Alice?" I asked. Stefan stiffened and I squeezed his hand in reassurence. "Edward, he got away. We have Alice beheaded in Carlisle's office." Emmet said. I felt my heart skip a beat as I heard Edward got away. He was still out there. I didn't notice I was shaking until Stefan tightened his arms around me and kissed my head. "He won't hurt you... Or me ever again. I promise." He whispered. I nodded my head as I kissed his cheek before walking into the kitchen to see Esme and Rosalie.
"Do you guys need any help?." I asked walking over to them. They smiled but shook there heads. "No you had a rough day why don't you just relax and we will make you two something to eat." Esme said. I chuckled as she said relax. "Oh I won't be able to relax until the Edward and Alice situation is finished. I don't want any of my family hurt or worse killed." I said sitting down.
We talked about random things until they finished and Stefan and I ate. I was surprised by how good it tasted and knew I had missed Esme's cooking. Things may turn up right.. . I hope

Hey guys I've been thinking and decided to time skip up to the point of war. It will be explained in the next chapter so please bare with me. Thank you guys for all your support.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2016 ⏰

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