Dawn's Ray of Hope

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What you need: Early dawn, a cup of water

At the rising sun, fill a cup with clean, fresh water. When the sun has fully cleared the horizon, begin the spell. Stand at an open window with the cup held in both hands.

Repeat the following invocation aloud:

''Spirit of the Rising Sun I welcome thee once more

Let this day begin anew and let my heart so do

Take from me my burden and burn it in thy light

Let my spirit deep within move from out of night.

Spirit of the Rising Sun I welcome thee once more

That songs of cheer may soon be heard as whispers in my ear

Let them grow and soothe mine mind, my heart that beats within

Spirit of the Rising Sun give unto me the will to win.

Spirit of the Rising Sun make this happy day

Continue through tomorrow, its path become mine way

Spirit of the Rising Sun these things I ask of thee

To take the old and sorrow

In addition, let me start anew''.

When you have finished the invocation, drink the water from the cup. Take care to drink it all.

Repeat this spell as you feel the need.

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