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Hey guys, so I am not going to be updating for awhile.

How do I say this..Umm.....Lets just say my 2 dogs passed away.

And you guys may be saying 'Who cares? It's just a dog.' Well to me there not just dogs, there family.

They tore a piece of my heart out when they left, but it's not their fault...Its mine. I promised every thing was going to be ok, they'll be fine. But I broke that promise.

They ment everything to me, they ment my whole life to me. I said I would die for them, and I wish I would have died so they can become young again and live life longer. But that didn't come true. I want to see them again, just once more, but we all know that will never happen. Some people may call me a baby, but I don't care.

I always wondered if your pets wait for you by the gate of heaven, or inside heaven. I believe they are in heaven now, looking down on me and my family once in a while. I believe they are safe in heaven, running around in beautiful fields playing with other animals.

I believe God is taking care of every animal there, I believe in Jesus, God and his son. I love my pets and will die for any of them, or all of them in that case.

To me, animals have souls, they have freedom in heaven and may either be waiting for their best friend to join them, or their friend being with them.

If you look in their eyes very closely, you can see love in them. My other dog, Chocolate, follows me every where I go. She is very protective of me, even though she's a Chihuahua, she will do any thing to save me.

I say to her, 'Chocolate, I love you more then the moon and back. And nothing will stand in my way of breaking our bond.' I wounder how I'll feel when she passes away. My 2 dogs, Ladygirl and Princess, had to be put down. I didn't want them in any more pain. I was not there to see their death.

I could have said, 'Ladygirl, Princess, it's going to be alright. I love you guys so much. I'll see you two in heaven, if I go there when I die at least.' But I wasn't there, now I feel guilty.

So this book is going to be on hold for awhile, sorry guys.

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