~Chapter 4~

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I walk towards class 1-A after school to apologize to the teacher. I knock lightly and hear a 'Come in'. I walk inside the room and see the teacher stacking papers and cleaning up their desk. They look up then look back down again. "Here to insult me again?" They asks. (Is the teacher a boy or a girl? I don't even know) I sigh. "No. I'm not. I came here to apologize. After the whole thing yesterday, I realized that what I did was rude and I came to say that I'm sorry and I promise that I won't do it anymore." I tell them.

(We'll just say the teacher is a girl) She looks at me surprised. "Are you sure? This isn't a joke right?" She asks. I shake my head. "No it isn't. I was wrong for doing that." I say.

Time Skip~

I sigh as I walk out of the classroom. Now I have to go to the host club. I could just ditch... But I promised Haruhi I would visit her today. I sigh begrudgingly as I walk to the host club. I walk in to find all of them talking with girls. I sigh again and lean against the door as I put my headphones on and listen to music, waiting for someone to realize that I'm here. I look around a few times then I see Haruhi's face light up and she gets up. "(Y/N)!" She says happily as she walks over waving. I smile slightly. I hold up a peace sign. "Hey Haruhi." I say. "You actually came!!" She says happily. I nod then realize that people were glaring at me. Not necessarily the hosts but the girls who believe that Haruhi is a guy.

I sigh and turn back to Haruhi. "Your fans don't seem to like me." I say. She looks around and everyone has hearts in their eyes. "What?" She asks, tilting her head. I shake my head. "Never mind." Everyone starts glaring again. "Can you come sit with me?" Haruhi asks. "I don't think I should do that. I wouldn't want to intrude on your time with them." I say. She sighs. "I guess so." I smile at her. "Sorry. Maybe we can hang out some other time. But for now, go hang out with them." I say, referring to the girls waiting at the table.

She nods. "'Kay!" She says smiling and goes back. I smile for a while before I sigh and look around again. I notice a room that looks like a kitchen and go in. I look around and find sweets. I grab a couple and walk out. I look around and sigh again. I walk towards the entrance and walk out. I walk around for a while before going to the roof.

Haruhi's POV & Time Skip~

It was nearing the end of the Host Club. I look around for (Y/N) but I don't see her. 'Where is she? I thought she said she would be here. Maybe she went exploring.' I sigh and decide to ask around. "Hey Tamaki-senpai. Have you seen (Y/N)?" I ask. He thinks about it for a while before shaking his head. "Nope. Not at all." He says. I sigh.

"Hey Mori-senpai. Have you seen (Y/N)?" He shakes his head.

"How about you Honey-senpai?" I ask. "Nope. I haven't seen (Y/N)-chan."

"Kyoya-senpai how about you?" I ask. "No I guess I haven't."

"Hikaru, Koaru, have you seen her?" I ask. Kaoru shakes his head. "Nope." Hikaru stays silent.

"Hikaru?" I ask. He sighs. "I saw her leave the room a few minutes after she came in. She hadn't come back in since." I bow. "Thanks." I say as I start to leave. I look around the halls and sigh. "Where would she most likely hang around?" I ponder for a while before I get an idea. "The roof!"

Your POV~

I sigh as I look up at the shadows looming over me. "Yes?" I ask. "Stay away from the host club! You can't have them!" I roll my eyes. "That's kind of hard to do, especially because Haruhi is my sibling." I say. I was just enjoying myself on the roof when these girls came and started to bug me about the host club.

"They will never like you!! You are just a low-life commoner!" One says in her high-pitched, annoying ass voice that is giving me a headache. "Yeah? Well at least I'm not a prissy bitch like you who can't even do anything by yourself without having people do it for you. You know why I find all of you rich bitches annoying as hell? Because you guys think you guys can do anything just because your rich. Well guess what princess? You won't be able to do shit without 'commoners' like me. So why don't you get your prissy, annoying, smelly ass face out of mine because honey, with how much perfume you have on right now, it's no wonder you aren't getting anywhere with the host club. Honestly, I think putting on perfume is the one thing you actually do for yourself because there's so much that I don't think a commoner would want to even put that much on themselves. You rea---"


I am interrupted by my head flying to the side and a stinging in my cheek. "You bitch! How dare you say that to me!?" The girl yells at me. I keep my head down with my hair covering my face. I stay silent. She gets aggravated and goes to kick me. "Say something you bitch! Or was all that confidence just for show?" She says as her foot comes swinging down.

But it never makes contact with my body. Instead I catch her foot in my hands. I look up slowly, with an evil look in my eyes. (You know? Like in anime? They have that deadly look saying 'You're gonna die bitch. I dare you to do it again'? No? okay...) They're confident faces soon turn into ones of fear. "I-I... I can sue you!" The main bitch says. "Guess what? I don't give a shit. It's called self defense. You were the ones who assaulted me first. You guys came up and harassed me about guys that will never end up with you. And you come here to harass me thinking I would take your shit because I'm a commoner and it's expected that commoners bow down to the rich. Well guess fucking what? I don't care about the stereotypes everyone makes up. I don't give a fuck that you are rich and I am not as rich as you. I don't care that you think you are better than me. What I do care about is the fact that you actually came to me thinking that you would scare me off or make me stop hanging out with the host club with pitiful threats. I don't even like the host club. They are rich boys how think that they can seduce women and they do it for fun. You know why that pisses me off? Because I refuse to get pushed around and used by men or women or rich people or people. I refuse to get pushed around by anyone." I slowly rise from the ground, with her foot still in my grasp. "So I don't want to hear anymore shit coming from that disgusting mouth of yours got it?" I say as I throw her to the ground.

She stares up in fear. I glare at her. "Get away from me right now." I say. She nods and scrambles to her feet. She runs back down to the front of the school with her friends. I sigh and turn back around. I put my hand over my bruising cheek and sigh. "No doubt, Haruhi is going to get worried about this." I look at the sky and smile softly.

"At least she cares. Maybe my life is finally getting better."

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