Chapter 6

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Your POV~

I look up to the sky blankly as rain pours down. How long has it been? Hours? Days? Weeks? I've lost track of time. Everything just seems to blend in with everything else. My phone had been ringing a lot recently so I shut it off. I have been in this forest for who knows how long. Everything just seems so dull and lifeless now. Not that it's much different from how it usually is. I just feel like everyone can read my deepest, darkest secrets and I have no way to stop it. All of my demons just want to come out. I don't know if I can control my inner emotions any more. It used to be so easy when no one talked to me... When Haruhi and I didn't try to get along. It was so easy. I just let the anger take over the sadness. But right now, I can't feel anger. I have nothing to be angry at except for myself. I am such an idiot.

I hear the pattering of footsteps in the rain coming closer. I just continue to look at the sky. A shadow looms over me and I look at the source. I see the familiar brown tresses that are matted to her head by the rain and the chocolate brown orbs. I stare at her blankly. She looks at me with wide eyes. I just sit against the tree with my hands in my lap. "Is it really you (Y/N)?" She asks. "Are you really here?" She says shakily. I tilt my head. "What's the point in answering? What's the point in living? What's the point in feeling this pain that the world insists that we must have? Is pain a necessary aspect in living? Is it necessary for everyone to feel happiness? Can you not live without it? Have I failed living already? Am I the only one who is ignored like this? Why do I feel such emptiness? Why does everyone choose to ignore me? Why am I always the second choice? What have I done to deserve this? It is because of what I did to my mother? I never meant to. Please don't be mad at me." I say as I pull my knees to my chest.

Haruhi sighs and goes to sit down next to me cautiously. I don't move from where I sit. Haruhi sighs in relief. Haruhi pulls out her phone and calls someone.

Haruhi POV~

I finally found her. It's been a few days since she ran out of the host club and everyone in the host club has been looking for her. Father has been worried. I pulled my phone out to call the other host club members. I call each one and tell them that I found (Y/N) and where I am right now. They all say they will meet me there. I sigh and put my phone back. Now I wait.

Time Skip to when all the host club members get there and No one's POV~

All of the host club members get there to see (Y/N) asleep with her head in Haruhi's lap. Mori puts Honey down from his shoulders and picks up (Y/N) bridal style. Haruhi stands up and they all start walking back.

Time Skip to later again and Your POV~

I groan as I wake up. What happened? I feel around and feel the soft material of fabric run over my fingers. I conclude that I am in a bed. How long as it been since I had slept in one of those? How long as it been since I slept at all? It hurt to think and I still felt really tired. I snuggle deeper into the blankets, about to go back to sleep, until I hear talking. I listen quietly.

"Do you think she's awake yet?" Voice #1 asks.

"Not likely. She's been asleep for a long time." Voice #2 says.

"How long do you think it had been since she slept? Ate? What had she been doing during those days?" Voice #1

"There's no point in worrying! She will wake up and we will find all of that out when she wants to tell us! She is going through a hard time right now and we can't worry! We have to be there for her." Another voice says.

"Haruhi's right. But, if I may ask, what has been going on with (Y/N) lately?" A serious voice asks. I hear someone sigh.

"(Y/N) has always had a problem expressing her emotions or opening up to people. She is usually emotionless watching from the sidelines as everyone goes on with their lives. I guess (Y/N) is so used to everyone going on without her because most of her life, all of her friends either left her, became friends with me and started ignoring her, or something happened to them. (Y/N) has also had a problem with getting close to people. (Y/N)'s best and only friend committed suicide during summer in 8th grade. And as you heard in the music room a few days ago, (Y/N) was either ignored, or picked on most of her life because she was related to me. And she blames herself for our mother's death. Basically, (Y/N) doesn't have a lot of self esteem because of the events in her life that have led up to now. (Y/N) has outbursts when her emotions become too much for her and they end up in her getting hurt, like her hand. That's all I really understand about the situation." She says.

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