Chapter 3 - The Treat

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Percy's POV

"How about we play a game."

Everyone turned to look at Annabeth, who's spoke up from beside me. She has a smirk displayed on her face that is being duplicated by Piper.

She gets a round of "sures" and "why nots" and even a "HELL YEAH BITCHES" from and already plastered son of Hephaestus.

Giggling she stands up and walks over to a bag that has been placed on the floor behind the couch. She pulls out a bunch of little red boxes, and instantly I wondered what could be in them.

"Okay every one, this is a game I like to call 'Pocky', in this game, everyone will have to put a small object in this hat," she references the beanie that piper is currently pulling off of her head, "And I will pick at random 2 objects out of the hat, and those 2 people, who are represented by the objects, will have to put one end of the Pocky in their mouths. Each person will slowly eat more and more of the biscuit, until the 2 individuals meet in the center. the last person biting the Pocky wins."

Everyone looks around and starts to place their objects in the hat. Nico puts in a small skull shaped ring. Piper puts in a necklace her dad gave her. Annabeth folds up her hat and puts it in. Jason puts his glasses in it. Hazel puts in a pebble from the ground (not a dangerous one ;) ). Frank places a drachma in after her. Percy places in a seashell. Leo grabs a wrench from his tool belt and puts it in. Rachel puts a paint brush in. Reyna then finally puts in a SPQR banner.

Satisfied, Annabeth walks around everyone for a minute, the holds the hat out for Piper to choose. Coincidentally, Piper chooses Annabeth hat, and Leo makes a cat call. The girls smirk at eachother and grab a stick.

Piper puts one end in her mouth and waits for Annabeth to do the same before they each slowly move into the centre.

Jason and Percy watch their girlfriends slide twords eachother, and once they reach the centre, neither break away, instead, they kiss in the middle.

Although this should anger either one of the boys, neither really seem to care.

Once the pair are finished, Annabeth reaches in and pulls out the drachma.

Frank gulps and glances over to Hazel before moving closer to Annabeth. They quickly do it, Frank breaking the stick before they get too close.

After them,it all seems to go smoothly, Frank picks Hazel, Hazel picks Leo, Leo picks Nico, Nico picks Reyna, but then Reyna picks Jason.

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