Chapter Nine

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"Poe, come on. It's been days since I last saw you. Please let me in." Ever since arriving at the Resistance base Poe had kept to his room. He'd sent a message to Jano as she was healing in the sick bay, but he never came. Finally being released, Jano had gone to check on Poe. Damn it, Dameroen! Slowly the door opened.

"Hey, Jano. Good to see you up and about."

"Cut it out. Why are you in here, why are you alone?"

"It's nothing. You wouldn't understand."

"Tell me or I will use my own methods to find out."

"Really? You force wielders are all the same. You will find a way to get what you want." Poe looked at her with disgust. "You're just like him."

"I AM NOT LIKE THAT BASTARD MURDERER!" Jano screamed at him. "We are two completely different people, with completely different goals. His plan is to subject the world, my only hope is to care for my friends as best I can. So don't you dare say that I am anything like that creature." Jano ran out of the room, down the corridors and out onto the cliff far beyond the base. You will always be the wanderer. Never settling, and always leaving a wake of waste along the way. The darkness called.
No no no! Jano clutched her head trying to claw away the thoughts. Instinctively she reached for her lightsaber, touching the marks always seemed to calm her, like Ben was still there. But it was gone. Oh my god. It's gone! The lightsaber. No. No. How could I let this happen? Overcome by the emotions, Jano couldn't move. She couldn't think. She slowly lay down on a mossy rock and screamed. It wasn't a scream of fear, or anger, it was a scream of anguish. The last piece of her history, the last shred of Ben. Gone. Inside she felt a very literal crack. Poe had heard the scream and knew it was her. He ran out and placed a comforting hand on her back. Jano grabbed his jacket and clutched him close, trying to breathe in the essence of the light that he possessed. The dark is far too beautiful.

"Hey hey. Jano. What's wrong? You know I did not mean a word I said, I'm just pissed because I failed so badly."

"I-I-it's not that. I lost..." Jano choked from her sobbing. "I lost the saber."

"I'm so sorry. We'll find or make you a new one." He said trying to calm her. His heart pounded with her so close to him, holding him so desperately, like she needed him more than air.

"No." Tear streaks stained her face, yet more fell. "This one was special."

"How s-"

"Commander Dameroen. An emergency meeting has occurred. General Organa needs you. We have intelligence that suggests that The First Order is headed for Maz Kanata's Palace."

"Maz?" Jano stood up wiping away the tears, anger quickly overcoming her sadness.

"You aren't going." Poe ordered walking back towards the base.

"I am. You will not tell me what to do." She stomped ahead of him, but he grabbed her arm and swing her back against him.

"Jano. Please. Please, I couldn't stand to see you get hurt. Stay here. Stay safe."

"I know you want me to stay safe, but I want that for you too, and Maz. I don't want you to hate me for going." Their eyes locked for a few moments.
Poe placed a hand on the side of her face and kissed her forehead. "Don't do anything stupid."

"I swear."
General Leia Organa hadn't heard of Jano and after a meeting her she sensed the Force in her. She assigned to Jano the task of locating BB-8 giving her a tracking device that would lead straight to him. Jano was dropped off near the woods and Poe's fighter squadron circled back to make their official entry to protect the Castle.

The Darkness Within /a Kylo Ren FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now