Chapter Twelve

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"Jano. Tell me that you aren't doing this." Poe said grabbing her arm as she walked back to his room to collect her things.

"Poe. I don't know why, but I have to go. I don't have a choice." A tear snaked down her face as she kept walking.

"It's that bastard! He's in your head! He's messing with you, Jano! You can't go." Poe yelled as they entered his room.

"Don't you think I know that?!?!?" Jano said standing up on her tiptoes to look him in the eyes. "He will not let me go, Poe. And dammit I will not let it stay like this!" She spun away from him and started to grab her things. "I can't live like this. It's draining me. He's pulling at me and if I don't confront him... I'll end it one way or another. It's him or me."

Poe placed his hands on her shoulders and nuzzled the back of her neck. "I'm sorry. You should go. I just want you to be safe. I want.. I want you and I.. To be something."

"What?" Jano turned and stared up at him. "What did you say?"

"I said, I want us to be something." He cupped her face in his hand. "I love you." He leaned in and kissed her gently. He started to pull away, but Jano put her hand behind his neck and pulls him closer. After a few more moments, they pulled apart. "Poe, you have made me feel wanted after years and years of being alone. You mean so much to me." A sharp pain filled her head and it took every fiber of her being not to scream at the abrupt jab.
"I have to go now."  She pulled away from him.

"Wait. Take this bag, it can hold your saber." Their hands touched as she took it from him. "Don't you dare get hurt."

"You know I'll try my hardest not to." Poe squeezed her hand and walked her out to the Falcon. Leia was saying something to Han Solo, then he pulled her into his arms and she closed her eyes with contentment. Jano couldn't hear what she said to him then, but he seemed to stiffen. They got loaded up and took off without a problem.

"We have to land at lightspeed."

"LIGHTSPEED?!?" Finn squeeled.

"I could try to soften the landing." Jano offered.

"If you can, go ahead and try, kid." Han stared at her a second more thinking about something else. Jano shrugged it off and tried to focus on the task at hand. She cleared her mind, and imagined what she was trying to do.

"Are you crazy?!?!?" Finn screamed, as they hit the planet.

"I thought you were going to help us land!" Han shouted.

"Trying!!" The intruder had pushed its way into her head again. Solo. It was an angry thought. Ignoring the foreign person, Jano stopped them from tipping off a snow covered cliff.

"Mr. Solo..Han.. I... I felt a thought when we were on the ship." Jano spoke to Han as they approached an entrance to the base. "It was a simple, very tense thought. It was your name, sir. What... What does it mean?"

"It means," he pulled his coat tighter. "That someone knows we're here, and they don't plan on offering us cocoa."

As they trekked along, Jano got an idea. "Chewbacca," she said touching the Wookie's arm, as they strayed a bit behind Han and Finn. Han is pretty pissed that Finn lied about the shields. Haha! "I'm going to try to read the thoughts of whoever is getting in my head. I need you to make sure that I don't pass out or get left behind. It will take a lot of concentration."
His hairy head nodded vigorously and he held his hand out to her.

"Thanks." He seemed to smile at her.

Jano closed her eyes and gently pushed. Ever so slowly she seemed to make her way into the stranger's mind.
"It's not only Solo.. It her. She's here."
Jano opened her eyes praying that she hadn't thought. After taking a deep breathe, Jano re-entered his thought stream. "I am stronger than this, I know I am, grandfather. I am Kylo Ren. This girl cannot control me. I shall conquer these feelings. But allowed yourself to feel such things with Padmé. Oh great Vader, my kin, reveal to me what I should do. How can I cut off this light? It seems to appear whenever Solo is around." Vader is his grandfather? Jano gasped and pulled herself from his mind. He knew that she'd been there. He must. Jano closed her mind tightly. She felt the pain of someone trying to get into it. "NO." Chewbacca turned towards her and gripped her hand tighter.

"Jano, Chewie, get your asses over here! We need to get inside and try to shut off the damn shields." Han urged, standing by an entryway to the base. Jano's mind was going berserk, so she missed a lot of what happened next. Grandfather = Darth Vader
Vader had two children, a girl and a boy. The boy possessed the Force...he was Luke. And... Leia is- her thoughts were cut off as Han shoved a silver clad trooper into a trash compactor.

"Good riddance."

"We need to find Rey." Yelled an impassioned Finn. Han jutted his chin up. Several times. While Finn didn't understand, Jano looked through the glass window and saw Rey. Rey, I'm a Jedi. I'm here with a rescue party. Head left, we'll find you soon. "WHO ARE YOU AND HOW ARE YOU IN MY HEAD???" My name is Jano, and like I said, I'm a Jedi. "Fine."

"Han, let's head right." Jano suggested.
They eventually ran into Rey and she hugged Finn tightly.

"Escape now, hug later." Han glared at the two. "You kids are all over each other."

They made there way back and out towards the Falcon, but noticed that the bombers weren't making much progress. Han quickly decided to help them out and he set off, with Chewie, to set some explosives.

"Jano, you stay with the ship. If anything happens, leave without us."


"Don't argue with me, kid."

"Yes sir." "I will find him." Jano's eyes filled with fear. "SOLO! Be careful!" But he was already gone.

A/N: SORRY! It's been awhile. I had a surprise SAT so I've been super worried about that. Anyway. I should be publishing at least every Friday now!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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