Chapter 23. Marcel

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''Hurry up!'' I hear my mom call from downstairs. 

I can't believe it is already time for me to go to University and the fact that I actually got accepted into NYU is amazing. I finished my last year of high school two years ago and then had a two years break from school, just so Joe and I will be able to start the same year. Wow, I remember us sitting and hugging each other almost 3 years ago knowing what he would leave me for four years, but yet, here I am ready to leave for America with Joe by my side. I walk to my bathroom to grab my toiletries, but I stop in front of the mirror. Wow. This girl is in America tomorrow, ready to start her knew life. It is gonna be hard to leave all my amazing new friends though, but Anastacia and I are defiantly going to cause a scene at the airport. We'll both be sobbing and we couldn't care less. Lou left for University last year and Kevin left the same year as we finished high school. Since then I've collected way to many friends. Erin and Brianna who I met at a party a couple of years ago, Amanda, Kaelah, Veronica, Paul, Vicky, Wictor, Thilde, Gemma, Helene, Justin, Josh, Andy and lots more. I wish I could just say one last goodbye to those people, they are the ones that have been there for me through the past years. My parents is gonna be some of the hardest to leave as well, I won't have anyone to tell me wrong anymore, except Joe, but it will probably be me telling him wrong sometimes. He just turned eighteen a couple of weeks ago and my twentieth birthday is in nine days. Now that I'm thinking about it I am actually quite sad that I won't spent my birthday with my family, of course Joe will be there, but otherwise, there's no one there.

Dad: ''We'll be leaving in five! Come on kids!'' His use of the word 'kids' make a shiver go down my spine. I am not a kid, neither are Joe.

I hurry up on getting everything with me. Phone, computer, toiletries, clothes, underwear, schoolbag, pencils and other stuff, diary, shoes and head phones. I think I am ready. I zip my bag and rush to the mirror again to check if I look fine. Wow, this is the last time in a very long time I am being in this exact room. I am gonna miss my own bed, my moms cooking, everything. 

You: ''Coming!'' I yell just before pulling my bag from the bed to the floor and walk to the hall. Joe and I seem to be done packing everything at the same time because I meet him in the hall with the biggest smile I have ever seen him wear. I can't help it put pull a gigantic smile as well and I can see Josephs eyes tear up. A tear run down his cheek and I pull him into a hug. 

Mom: ''Come on kids! We're driving now!'' She yell from downstairs. I look at Joe once again to still see his beautiful smile on his face.

You: ''You ready?'' I ask.

Joe: ''I am.'' He smiles and takes a deep breath.

You: ''We're coming!'' I yell.

We almost run downstairs. Our parents stands in the door ready to drive and without thinking I hug both of them at the same time and I immediately start crying into their shoulders. I can feel their warm tears on my neck, and I pull out of the hug. I grab Josephs arm to pull him into the hug. It is now. We are leaving for America. 

The car journey to the airport seems longer than normal. I feel like I have been sitting in that damn car for at least four hours even though I have only been sitting there in one and a half. I can't wait anymore, I just wanna get on that stupid plane and get away so that I am done with crying and goodbyes. Both Joe and I are listening to music, I wonder what he is listening to. He have been smiling the whole time in the car so maybe he is listening to happy songs? I don't know why, but I somehow find myself listening to the saddest songs. I think about it for a while a swift playlist. There is way more happy songs on this one and I hope it can help me to think of something else. 

We finally arrive in the airport, thank god, and I somehow get more and more ready for every minute that pass. I rush out of the car and grab my bags and I head straight to the doors. I can hear Joe yell at me to wait for him, but I can hear the happiness in his voice. Why can I not be that happy to leave? I stop and wait for Joe and my parents to get to me and we walk into the airport together and I can clearly see the smirks that my parents are pulling. What are they hiding? I walk into the airport and as soon as I walk in I see all of my friends. Everyone. I can feel the tears pressing again.

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